----- Original Message -----
> Do we really need the lower_left_origin state? I think I can't
> implement it for radeon and it's the kind of stuff that should be
> taken care of by the state tracker anyway. 

My understanding is that hardware had switches for this sort of thing. It's 
really hard to provide fully-conforming rasterization for opengl, dx9 & dx10 
without it.

If your hardware allows to put a negative pitch on rendertargets, then that 
should also do it.

If you know what is the hardware's sub-pixel rasterization resolution, then 
adding a vertical bias equal to that amount, depending on this state, would 
give a very close approximation. (This would get the top/bottom edges right, at 
expense of small inaccuracies on non-horizontal edges)

> Isn't it sufficient to just
> set a viewport which is upside down, like we do now?

I'm not aware of rasterization top-left rule being affected by the viewport 

Do both

 ./bin/triangle-rasterization -auto
 ./bin/triangle-rasterization -use_fbo -auto

currently work for you?

If drivers don't provide this state, the only way to workaround it I know would 
be to store textures (or drawables?) up-side down, and flip them on 
gl(Get)TexImage & friends.  This would be like using a cannon to shoot a fly (a 
lot of work and a lot of overheads for a small correctness detail).  I think 
the drivers are better equipped to handle this.

And you always have the option of merely ignoring this state.  Top-left rule 
correct rasterization has, after all, been ignored till date, and nobody cared.

For the record, my motivation here is simple: llvmpipe gets the right behavior 
on GL drawables, and fails on GL FBOs & D3D 9/10. I want to get the right 
behavior on D3D 9/10 without causing regressions on GL drawables.

BTW, I'd imagine that if hardware rasterizer behavior is hardcoded to anything, 
it would be to D3D 9/10 behavior. That is, they would get GL FBO right, but 
drawables wrong.

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