On 09/12/2018 12:01 PM, Michel Dänzer wrote:
On 2018-09-12 2:37 p.m., Kazlauskas, Nicholas wrote:
On 09/12/2018 04:53 AM, Michel Dänzer wrote:
On 2018-09-11 6:24 p.m., Nicholas Kazlauskas wrote:
Applications that don't present at a predictable rate (ie. not games)
shouldn't have adapative sync enabled. This list covers some of the
common desktop compositors and some web browsers.
Signed-off-by: Nicholas Kazlauskas <nicholas.kazlaus...@amd.com>
+ <application name="Chromium" executable="chromium">
+ <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+ </application>
+ <application name="Google Chrome" executable="chrome">
+ <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+ </application>
Should probably add Firefox here as well, executable name "firefox".
When I tested Firefox I didn't see any requests to enable adaptive sync
but I would imagine it would exhibit similar behavior if it did.
Did you enable HW acceleration in about:config? It's still disabled by
default on Linux. When enabled, it uses OpenGL for compositing its
window contents, and can use page flipping in fullscreen.
On a similar note, a few more compositors could be added as well. Off
the top of my head: compiz (and/or whatever is Unity 7's process name),
compton, xfwm4, mutter
I forgot that Firefox had this disabled by default. Enabling it did show
the usual problems with infrequent flips so I added to the list. Other
browsers that I added include Iceweasel, Konqueror, and Epiphany. I'm
probably missing some others too.
For compositors I added compton, xfwm4, mutter, compiz, marco.
I need to go through the distro specific video players still to test
which ones work appropriately with the patches however. I'd imagine at
least one of them might work well with variable refresh (or at least
under specific conditions, players like mpv might be able to be adapted
to work well under specific configurations).
Nicholas Kazlauskas
mesa-dev mailing list