Applications that don't present at a predictable rate (ie. not games)
shouldn't have adapative sync enabled. This list covers some of the
common desktop compositors and some web browsers.

Signed-off-by: Nicholas Kazlauskas <>
 src/util/00-mesa-defaults.conf | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/util/00-mesa-defaults.conf b/src/util/00-mesa-defaults.conf
index a68bc03027..a5fbead7b9 100644
--- a/src/util/00-mesa-defaults.conf
+++ b/src/util/00-mesa-defaults.conf
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Application bugs worked around in this file:
   built-ins (specifically gl_VertexID), which causes the vertex shaders to fail
   to compile.
+* Applications that are not suitable for adapative sync are blacklisted here.
 TODO: document the other workarounds.
@@ -306,6 +308,41 @@ TODO: document the other workarounds.
         <application name="Far Cry 2 (wine)" executable="farcry2.exe">
             <option name="mesa_glthread" value="true"/>
+        <!-- Adaptive sync blacklist follows below: -->
+        <application name="gnome-shell" executable="gnome-shell">
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="Desktop — Plasma" executable="plasmashell">
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="kwin_x11" executable="kwin_x11">
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="ksmserver-logout-greeter" 
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="ksmserver-switchuser-greeter" 
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="kscreenlocker_greet" 
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="startplasma" executable="startplasma">
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="Chromium" executable="chromium">
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="Google Chrome" executable="chrome">
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="VLC Media Player" executable="vlc">
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
+        <application name="mpv" executable="mpv">
+            <option name="adaptive_sync_enable" value="false" />
+        </application>
     <!-- vmwgfx doesn't like full buffer swaps and can't sync to vertical 
     <device driver="vmwgfx">

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