On Wednesday, September 6, 2017 5:26:10 AM PDT Chris Wilson wrote:
> Quoting Kenneth Graunke (2017-09-06 01:09:50)
> > We now flush the batch when either the batchbuffer or statebuffer
> > reaches the original intended batch size, instead of when the sum of
> > the two reaches a certain size (which makes no sense now that they're
> > separate buffers).
> > 
> > With this change, we also need to update our "are we near the end?"
> > estimate to require separate batch and state buffer space.  I obtained
> > these estimates by looking at the size of draw calls in the Unreal 4
> > Elemental Demo (using INTEL_DEBUG=flush and always_flush_batch=true).
> > 
> > This will increase the batch size by perhaps 2-4x, which will almost
> > certainly have a performance impact, and may impact overall system
> > responsiveness.
> You also need to update DEBUG_FLUSH:
> @@ -823,8 +826,8 @@ _intel_batchbuffer_flush_fence(struct brw_context *brw,
>        int bytes_for_state = brw->batch.state_used;
>        fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Batchbuffer flush with %4db (%0.1f%%) (pkt) + "
>                "%4db (%0.1f%%) (state)\n", file, line,
> -              bytes_for_commands, 100.0f * bytes_for_commands / BATCH_SZ,
> -              bytes_for_state, 100.0f * bytes_for_state / STATE_SZ);
> +              bytes_for_commands, 100.0f * bytes_for_commands / 
> brw->batch.bo->size,
> +              bytes_for_state, 100.0f * bytes_for_state / 
> brw->batch.state_bo->size);
>     }

Ah...I'd actually meant to leave it this way.  The flushing still happens
when we reach the target size (BATCH_SZ or STATE_SZ), even if we grow...
I figured we could report the "we grew the batch" cases as "105% of
the target size", so you can see that the batch is over-utilized...

Which I guess is a good point...with that model, we won't grow more than
once anyway, because after we finish the one draw, we'll be over BATCH_SZ
(or STATE_SZ) and flush.  So it might be reasonable to just allocate
(BATCH_SZ * 2) and not have the pretense of making it continually grow...


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