On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 03:22:51PM -0700, Chad Versace wrote:
> On Wed 12 Jul 2017, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
> > HiZ, like MCS and CCS_E, can compress more than just clear colors so we
> > want it turned on whenever the miptree is being used as a depth
> > attachment.  It's theoretically possible for someone to create a depth
> > texture, upload data with glTexSubImage2D, and texture from it without
> > ever binding it as a depth target.  If this happens, we would end up
> > wasting a bit of space by allocating a HiZ surface we never use.
> > However, this is rather unlikely out side of test cases, so we're better
> > off just allocating it up-front.
> > ---
> I've read of rendering techniques that use high-quality, pre-rendered
> cascading shadow maps for scenes with fixed lights. And that would
> trigger the glTexSubImage2D case. But, even in that case, so little
> memory is wasted that I don't care.
> Reviewed-by: Chad Versace <chadvers...@chromium.org>

I'm now looking at this more after rebasing my isl patches on top. I think
this shows a bug we have in intel_miptree_choose_aux_usage() - there we
consider only if format and platform support hiz, but ignore tiling, ending
up setting HIZ usage even for linear depth.

Combined with this patch we start to allocate hiz-buffers for linear depth
buffers used in read_pixels(). Backtrace with my isl support (which should be
more or less equivalent from this decision making point of you). By chance ISL
complains unlike i965 (here it actually complains about ISL_SURF_DIM_1D but
tiling is incompatible as well):

#4  0x00007ffff1d78e6e in isl_calc_phys_level0_extent_sa (dev=0x7ffff7fa1208, 
    phys_level0_sa=<synthetic pointer>, msaa_layout=<optimized out>, 
    tiling=ISL_TILING_HIZ, dim_layout=ISL_DIM_LAYOUT_GEN4_2D, 
    info=0x7fffffffd6f0) at isl/isl.c:627
#5  isl_surf_init_s (dev=dev@entry=0x7ffff7fa1208, 
    surf=surf@entry=0x7fffffffd740, info=info@entry=0x7fffffffd6f0)
    at isl/isl.c:1474
#6  0x00007ffff1d78fc9 in isl_surf_get_hiz_surf (dev=dev@entry=0x7ffff7fa1208, 
    surf=surf@entry=0x555555b024d0, hiz_surf=hiz_surf@entry=0x7fffffffd740)
    at isl/isl.c:1659
#7  0x00007ffff1cb4c4a in intel_miptree_alloc_hiz (
    brw=brw@entry=0x7ffff7f7c040, mt=mt@entry=0x555555b024d0)
    at intel_mipmap_tree.c:2139
#8  0x00007ffff1cb8017 in intel_miptree_alloc_aux (
    brw=brw@entry=0x7ffff7f7c040, mt=0x555555b024d0)
    at intel_mipmap_tree.c:2178
#9  0x00007ffff1cb8362 in intel_miptree_create (brw=brw@entry=0x7ffff7f7c040, 
    first_level=first_level@entry=0, last_level=last_level@entry=0, 
    width0=<optimized out>, height0=60, depth0=1, num_samples=0, 
    layout_flags=64) at intel_mipmap_tree.c:971
#10 0x00007ffff1cb8d14 in intel_miptree_map_blit (slice=0, level=0, 
    map=0x555555a7c710, mt=0x555555b1b7d0, brw=0x7ffff7f7c040)
    at intel_mipmap_tree.c:3247
#11 intel_miptree_map (brw=brw@entry=0x7ffff7f7c040, mt=0x555555b1b7d0, 
    level=0, slice=0, x=x@entry=60, y=y@entry=100, w=60, h=60, mode=1, 
    out_ptr=0x7fffffffdaa8, out_stride=0x7fffffffdab0)
    at intel_mipmap_tree.c:3817
#12 0x00007ffff1cb252f in intel_map_renderbuffer (ctx=0x7ffff7f7c040, 
    rb=0x5555558d2f60, x=60, y=100, w=<optimized out>, h=<optimized out>, 
    mode=1, out_map=0x7fffffffdb98, out_stride=0x7fffffffdb90)
    at intel_fbo.c:169
#13 0x00007ffff19eef3b in read_depth_pixels (packing=0x7fffffffdce0, 
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