On 10/04/2011 12:20 PM, Ian Romanick wrote:
> On 10/04/2011 10:49 AM, Paul Berry wrote:
>> On 4 October 2011 10:32, Chad Versace <c...@chad-versace.us
>> <mailto:c...@chad-versace.us>> wrote:
>>     Hash: SHA1
>>     Overall, the patch looks good, but I'm going to take the bikeshed
>> bait.
>>     Symbols of form GLxxx and constants of form GL_XXX should be
>>     reserved for
>>     those defined in the GL headers. If I encountered the symbol
>> GLclipplane
>>     in Mesa, I would confidently, yet incorrectly, assume the symbol was
>>     defined in some GL extension of which I was unaware.
> You mean like GLstencil and GLbitfield64? :)

Yeah, we talked about GLbitfield64 the other day.  I read the email
thread between you and Brian when adding it, and rationale seemed to be
that "GL will probably need this and add it someday"...but Khronos is
likely never going to add a convenience typedef for a deprecated feature. :)

Never heard of GLstencil.
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