On 10/04/2011 10:49 AM, Paul Berry wrote:
On 4 October 2011 10:32, Chad Versace <c...@chad-versace.us
<mailto:c...@chad-versace.us>> wrote:
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Overall, the patch looks good, but I'm going to take the bikeshed bait.
Symbols of form GLxxx and constants of form GL_XXX should be
reserved for
those defined in the GL headers. If I encountered the symbol GLclipplane
in Mesa, I would confidently, yet incorrectly, assume the symbol was
defined in some GL extension of which I was unaware.
You mean like GLstencil and GLbitfield64? :)
Typically, when we wish a symbol name to be closely related to it GL
we use one of the following naming schemes:
fuctions: _mesa_CamelCaps, intel_no_caps
struct: gl_no_caps
enums: gl_no_caps
constants: MESA_XXX
For examples:
_mesa_BindFramebufferEXT(), intel_bind_framebuffer()
struct gl_framebuffer
enum gl_format
Ok, I'm fine with this. Unless someone has a better suggestion, I
propose renaming "GLclipplane" to "gl_clip_plane". Would that address
your concerns, Chad?
That would work for me.
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