On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Emil Velikov <emil.l.veli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7 June 2016 at 14:03, Nicolai Hähnle <nhaeh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 04.06.2016 05:26, Timothy Arceri wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2016-06-03 at 13:12 +0200, wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> Situation: Looking at the content displayed by the web browser for
>>>> URL
>>>> http://patchwork.freedesktop.org/project/mesa/series and sub-pages
>>>> accessible via the links.
>>>> The following questions are troubling me:
>>>> - How does a patch submitter know when a reviewer will take a look at
>>>> the patch?
>>>> - What is the order in which the reviewers are looking at the
>>>> patches?
>>>> - What is the influence of the default ordering (URL suffix
>>>> "?ordering=-last_updated") on the behavior of reviewers?
>>>> - What about those patches on the 10th page from previous year? Why
>>>> are they in the list?
>>>> - Do patch submitters regularly clean up outdated patches?
>>>> - Does a patch submitter receive a notification email when he/she
>>>> forgets about a patch over time?
>>>> It seems to me that the current review process isn't as efficient as
>>>> it can be.
>>>> Looking forward to your opinions and solutions.
>>> We had a discussion about the use of patchwork around this time last
>>> year [1]. Since then I think we can definitely say people are making
>>> use of patchwork more than before (which was almost never). This is
>>> largely due to the great improvements made by Damien [2].
>>> The take away is patchwork is still a work in progress and as others
>>> have said it is currently useful along side email.
>>> Personally I find it very useful for keeping track of my patches and
>>> think it would be great if others would clean out their old patches to
>>> make it easier to find unreviewed patches,
>> Is there an easy way to do this?
>> I just logged in again, went to Series, and was able to filter for mine - 
>> but I see no way to mark series as Done from the site. Going to individual 
>> patches is asking a bit much...
> Quick workaround - jump to Patches. From there you can manage multiple ones 
> at a time.
> Alternatively there is the patchwork CLI which Rob C/Adam J seems to use 
> rather often. Perhaps we could poke them to write a brief blog/how to ;-)

Well damien did even write up a blog post:


the tl;dr: for applying patches from pw from cmdline is:

  git pw apply <patchseries #>


  git pw apply-patch <patch #>

the git-pw command comes from:



>> Generally speaking, it would be awesome if Patchwork were better at 
>> identifying trivially modified patches, but I admit that that's tricky to do.
> That's one of the the planned goals. Hopefully it's on the horizon.
> -Emil
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