Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the publication of the following article:
Viglino, M., Flores, D. A., Ercoli, M. D. and Álvarez, A. (2014), Patterns of
morphological variation of the vertebral column in dolphins. Journal of
Zoology. doi: 10.1111/jzo.12177
Cetaceans swim by the alternate action of their epiaxial and hypaxial muscles
and their propulsive movements are confined to the vertical plane. Changes in
the shape and mechanical properties of vertebrae strongly affect their function
during oscillatory swimming. The first objective of this study was to provide a
quantitative characterization of vertebral morphology in representatives of the
Delphinidae and Pontoporiidae families. A novel morphometric approach was
applied, using nine vertebral measurements and three indices. The second
objective was to assess the relationship between morphology and both habitat
and size through regression analyses. The phylogenetic structure of the
distribution of characters was also explored by estimating phylogenetic signal.
No relationship was found between morphology and habitat or size, but vertebral
measurements and indices showed a significant phylogenetic signal.
Morphological profiles indicated that coastal and
oceanic delphinid species had a conservative regionalization of the vertebral
column. All delphinid species showed discoidal centra morphology, while
Pontoporia blainvillei presented a spool-shaped morphology. Differences in
vertebral morphology and inferred muscular architecture between P. blainvillei
and delphinids could indicate distinct dynamics of vertebral movement during
swimming. However, other complex and specific functional relationships and
life-history traits may also be influencing vertebral morphology. The detailed
study of the complex evolutionary history of lineages could bring to light
other clarifying dimensions for understanding morphological evolution in
The article can be access via
or by requesting an electronic reprint from
Thank you!
Mariana Viglino
Lic. Mariana Viglino
Laboratorio de Paleontología
Centro Nacional Patagónico - CONICET
Boulevard Brown 2915 - U9120ACD
Puerto Madryn - Chubut
Tel: (+54) 0280-4883184 - Int: 1327
Fax: (+54) 0280-4883543
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