Messages by Thread
[MARMAM] SMM Editors' Select Series for October 21st: A comparison of Northeast Atlantic killer whale call repertoires
Student Members-at-Large Society for Marine Mammalogy
[MARMAM] New publication on fine-scale foraging ecology of sperm whales
Marta Guerra
[MARMAM] New publication - Collareta et al 2021 Thatchtelithichnus and Eschrichtius
Tsai, CH
[MARMAM] Underwater noise pollution in the Yangtze River, the world's busiest inland river in terms of shipping and its impact to porpoises and fish.
[MARMAM] New publication: Specialization of a mobile, apex predator affects trophic coupling among adjacent habitats.. (Carl Cloyed)
Carl Cloyed
[MARMAM] GS-12 with FPL of a GS-13 Biometrician with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Marine Mammal Program in Anchorage, Alaska
Franks, Sierra E
[MARMAM] New publication - Environmental influences on space use of a benthic foraging pinniped
[MARMAM] IMMS Research Program Internship (Winter and Spring Terms)
Kimberly Bagley
[MARMAM] New publication: Seascape Genetics of the Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis) Based on Mitochondrial DNA
Karina Amaral
[MARMAM] US Marine Mammal/Protected Species Observer Positions with Smultea Sciences - HIRING NOW!
Mari Smultea
[MARMAM] JOB- FAU Harbor Branch Marine Mammal Stranding and Population Assessment Assistant
Steve Burton
[MARMAM] A decade of whale watching in an important tourist destination in the Pacific coast of Colombia: Challenges for proper management
Isabel Cristina Avila
[MARMAM] New publication: Oceanographic drivers of Cuvier's and Sowerby's beaked whales in Irish waters
Cynthia BARILE
[MARMAM] New paper on UK harbour porpoise densities
Kimberly Nielsen
[MARMAM] New paper on sampling uncertainty in cetacean dose-response studies
[MARMAM] New publication: Description of the first acoustic recording of spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) from the northern straits of Malacca, Malaysia (Saliza Bono)
Saliza Bono
Re: [MARMAM] Publication of an article on the visual cortex of Cetartiodactyla
Jean-marie Graic
[MARMAM] new publication: odontocete ABRs measured using a non-invasive on animal tag
Adam Smith
[MARMAM] ECS 2022 - Conference announcement
Webeditor ECS
[MARMAM] Fwd: New paper regarding southern right whale Chile-Peru subpopulation breeding site at low latitudes of the SE Pacific
Ana M Garcia Cegarra
[MARMAM] IWC vacancy - Lead for Modelling and Statistics
Iain Staniland
[MARMAM] [Rostrum abnormalities in humpback dolphins]
Guilherme Frainer
[MARMAM] New paper on the population dynamics of southern Beaufort Sea polar bears
Bromaghin, Jeffrey F
[MARMAM] MMO, PSO and PAM training courses in November
Admin Team
[MARMAM] Reminder, Upcoming Webinar: Causes of Marine Mammal Hearing Loss, Tuesday, Oct 5, 12pm ET
Holly Morin
[MARMAM] New paper regarding citizen science
Ana M Garcia Cegarra
[MARMAM] New paper regarding franciscana dolphin
Bárbara Manhaes
[MARMAM] Open Marine Mammal Regulatory Biologist Positions with United States Fish and Wildlife Service in Anchorage, Alaska
Franks, Sierra E
[MARMAM] track2KBA: An R package for identifying important sites for biodiversity from tracking data
Charlotte Boyd
[MARMAM] Open Call for Papers on Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic (Extended Deadline)
Heleen Middel
[MARMAM] PhD Opportunity at UNCW
Luis Huckstadt
[MARMAM] New publication: Electrocardiographic scaling reveals differences in electrocardiogram interval durations between marine and terrestrial mammals
Storlund, Rhea
[MARMAM] Ruling to protect spinner dolphins in Hawaii
Lars Bejder
Re: [MARMAM] Recent publications from Marine Mammal and Marine Bioacoustics Laboratory
[MARMAM] Mailing List Submission - PSO/ESO/PAM Job Opportunities
William Byrd
[MARMAM] ABSTRACT DEADLINE SEPT 29 - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 Interdisciplinary Session Announcement
Stephanie Sharuga
[MARMAM] New publication: Insights from the first global population estimate of Weddell seals in Antarctica
Michelle LaRue
[MARMAM] Marine Mammal Rescue & Rehabilitation Internship - Spring 2022
Heather Henderson
[MARMAM] Biological Scientist II position - UF Aquatic Animal Health Program
Larkin,Iskande (Iske)
[MARMAM] New paper on associations between gray whale body condition and hormone variability
Leila Soledade Lemos
[MARMAM] New publication: Cetacean presence and distribution in the central Mediterranean Sea and potential risks deriving from plastic pollution
Martina Gregorietti
[MARMAM] Online Course - An Introduction to Basic Statistics for Biologists using R - 25th to 28th October 2021
[MARMAM] JNCC MMO and PAM eLearning Training Courses
[MARMAM] New publication on the genetic diversity of the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin in South Africa
Stephanie Plön , PhD
[MARMAM] New publication: West Indian manatees use partial migration to expand their range into the northern Gulf of Mexico
Carl Cloyed
[MARMAM] Job Opportunity
Rebeccah Hazelkorn - NOAA Federal
[MARMAM] New peer-reviewed paper on neurobiological harms to captive cetaceans (and elephants)
Lori Marino
[MARMAM] New paper on humpback whale song in the Southern Ocean
Elena Schall
[MARMAM] New publication: Trait-mediated shifts and climate velocity decouple an endothermic marine predator and its ectothermic prey
Lesley Thorne
[MARMAM] U.S. Navy Living Marine Resource Program Need Topics - call for pre-proposals
LMR Program
[MARMAM] New publication on Whale-watch vessel noise levels (Dra Patricia Arranz)
Patty Arranz
[MARMAM] Cetacean bycatch mitigation in Indian Ocean drift gillnet fisheries
[MARMAM] New publication on effects of dolphin watching on spinner dolphins in Reunion Island
Belen Quintana
[MARMAM] Urgently needed - VHF antennas
Leonie Huijser
[MARMAM] Marine bioacoustics
Laurel Braden Symes
[MARMAM] New publication on Auditory Adaptations for Echolocation in Air vs. Water
D R Ketten
[MARMAM] SMM Editor’s Select Series for September 23rd: Echolocation behaviour of fish-eating killer whales during pursuit and capture of salmon prey
Student Members-at-Large Society for Marine Mammalogy
[MARMAM] New publication: Bayesian approach for predicting photogrammetric uncertainty in morphometric measurements derived from drones
Bierlich, Kevin C
[MARMAM] Northwest Student Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy Website and Mailing List
Storlund, Rhea
[MARMAM] New Paper: Stable isotopes as indicator of nutritional stress in southern right whales
Emma Carroll
[MARMAM] Recent Publication: New Blue Whale Song Variants
Alexander Carbaugh-Rutland
[MARMAM] New publication: 'Underwater Noise Mitigation in the Santa Barbara Channel through Incentive-based Vessel Speed Reduction
Vanessa Zobell
[MARMAM] New publication in Ecography - Integration of presence-only data from several data sources: A case study on dolphins' spatial distribution
Daniela Silvia Pace
[MARMAM] New publication: Forecasting blue whale distribution, with applications for spatial management
Barlow, Dawn Renee
[MARMAM] Three Marine Mammal Noise Exposure Criteria Publications
Brandon Southall
[MARMAM] Marine Animal Rehabilitation and Environmental Education Internship
Gabbie Nicoletta
[MARMAM] - New paper on Southern Resident killer whale whistles
Marie Souhaut
[MARMAM] 7th International Bio-logging Symposium is 1 month away!
BLS7 Hawaii
[MARMAM] Programme Officer vacancy at IWC
Iain Staniland
[MARMAM] New publication on humpback whale birthing events
Nico Ransome
[MARMAM] Aquatic Mammals issue 47.5 available online
Kathleen Dudzinski
[MARMAM] New publication on Ferries and environmental DNA
Elena Agnese Valsecchi
[MARMAM] 'Dawn of Cetology' presentation ACS-San Diego Chapter
Uko Gorter
[MARMAM] New publication: Investigating Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris) Occurrence and Acoustic Activity in the Maui Nui Region
Megan McElligott
[MARMAM] Live Online Training Course: An Introduction To Integrating QGIS/GIS And R For Spatial Analysis - 4th to 7th October 2021
[MARMAM] New Publication: Abundance and Potential Biological Removal of Common Dolphins Subject to Fishery Impacts
Guido Parra Vergara
[MARMAM] New publication: Beluga echolocation reveals a narrow sonar beam and scanning behavior
Marie Zahn
[MARMAM] Upcoming Underwater Acoustics Webinars
Holly Morin
[MARMAM] Marine Mammal Technical Specialist - Job Opening - APEM Ltd
Ashleigh Kitchiner
[MARMAM] Invitation to publish your research on Risks, Threats, and Conservation Status of Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
Morgana Vighi
[MARMAM] Sarasota Dolphin Research Program Internships - Deadline Oct 1st!
Katie McHugh
[MARMAM] Launch of the Marine Mammal Atlas of Oman
[MARMAM] SHUSH: effects of underwater anthropogenic sounds, solution for mitigation and policies
Olivier Adam
[MARMAM] New paper: Global cultural evolutionary model of humpback whale song
Ellen Garland
[MARMAM] Right Whale Ecology Habitat Internship - Provincetown, MA USA
Stephanie Richardson
[MARMAM] New publication: Abundance estimates of three cetacean species in the coastal waters of Matang, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia
Vivian Kuit
[MARMAM] New publications: Humpback whale call repertoire on a northeastern Newfoundland foraging ground; Allopatric humpback whales of differing generations share call types between foraging and wintering grounds
Mikala Epp
[MARMAM] New publication on Weddell and crabeater seal breeding habitat and climate change impacts in the Weddell Sea
Mia Wege
[MARMAM] recent publication _ playbacks in cetaceans
Charlotte Curé
[MARMAM] New publication: Singing fin whale swimming behavior
Regina Guazzo
[MARMAM] New publication: Towards a better characterisation of deep-diving whales’ distributions by using prey distribution model outputs?
Auriane Virgili
[MARMAM] IFAW Marine Mammal Rescue & Research Stranding Internships - Winter/Spring 2022
Kasper, Kira
[MARMAM] New publication - potassium chloride euthanasia of pinnipeds
Emily Whitmer
[MARMAM] Fin whales in the Great Bear Rainforest (British Columbia, CA)
Eric Keen
[MARMAM] Release v.2021-09-01
Jason Holmberg
[MARMAM] New publicaiton
Rachel Probert
[MARMAM] New publication on Mexican orcas
Mel Cosentino
[MARMAM] Job Opening: 2 Marine Mammal Team Assistant Supervisors opportunities at Archipelagos
Beatriz Tintore
[MARMAM] Manatee Photo-identification Internship
Jennifer H. Johnson
[MARMAM] Stranding Coordinator position open in Massachusetts
Regina Asmutis-Silvia
[MARMAM] New publication: Where, when, and why do western North Atlantic humpback whales begin to sing?
Katie Kowarski
[MARMAM] New publication on killer whale predatory scarring on mysticetes
Enrico Corsi
[MARMAM] New publication: Runs of homozygosity in killer whale genomes provide a global record of demographic histories
Andrew Foote
[MARMAM] Biological Scientist, Right Whale Aerial Observer, Florida
Pitchford, Tom
[MARMAM] Fall Internship - Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program
Sarah R. Mccormack
[MARMAM] National Aquarium Seeking Rehabilitation Biologist & Rehabilitation Manager
Shaffer, Kate
Thomas Jefferson
[MARMAM] CIMAS Postdoctoral Associate Position Right Whales
Jesse Wicker - NOAA Affiliate
[MARMAM] new paper on a spatial analysis of beaked whale foraging during two ocean mapping surveys
Hilary Kates Varghese
Garrett Duncan - SEA
[MARMAM] New Paper: Entanglement of Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) at colonies in central Namibia.
Tess Gridley - Namibian Dolphin Project
[MARMAM] Job advert: Database Analyst (Maternity Cover) - CLOSING SOON
HWDT Science
[MARMAM] New publication: Application of endocrine biomarkers to update information on reproductive physiology in gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
Valentina Melica
[MARMAM] New article:
Ada Natoli
[MARMAM] New Article: Steroid hormone profiles and body conditions of migrating male humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Greta Dalle Luche
[MARMAM] New publication announcement: Evidence of stereotyped contact call use in narwhal (Monodon monoceros) mother-calf communication
Audra Ames
[MARMAM] New publication synthesizing emerging themes in Population Consequences of Disturbance models
Kelly Keen
[MARMAM] New publication on use of drones for dugong research
Anant Pande
[MARMAM] Manatee Age Estimation Papers
Gina Lonati
[MARMAM] New Article: Quantifying the effects of tidal turbine array operations on the distribution of marine mammals: Implications for collision risk
Joseph Onoufriou
[MARMAM] New publication: Use of satellite imagery to identify southern right whales
Audrey Amorim Corrêa
[MARMAM] Abstract: Dwarf sperm whale site fidelity, spatial use, and behavior
Robin Baird
Sherry Baruwa
[MARMAM] Job Posting - MMPA / Foreign Affairs Specialist
Kevin Jeffery
[MARMAM] New paper in JEB on biosonar behaviour
Chloe Elizabeth Malinka
[MARMAM] Manatee internship-Tequesta, FL
Faucett, Blake
[MARMAM] Fw: BOEM Office of Renewable Energy Programs Vacancy Notice:: Marine Biologist GS-401-11-12-13
Cody, Mary B
[MARMAM] Research Projects Coordinator job opening at Shaw Institute, Blue Hill, ME
Michelle Berger
[MARMAM] Job Posting: Research Manager for Pacific Whale Foundation (Maui, USA)
Jens Currie
[MARMAM] New publication on Epigenetics in common bottlenose dolphins
Carol Tatsch
[MARMAM] Fwd: Reminder to Register for Internship Equity Webinar co-hosted by SMM and WDC
Eric Archer - NOAA Federal
[MARMAM] New publication on allo-suckling occurrence in harbour seals
Monica Arso Civil
[MARMAM] Seeking PhD Student: how vulnerable are inshore dolphins to infectious disease outbreaks?
Guido Parra Vergara
[MARMAM] North Atlantic Right Whale Aerial Survey Team Leader and Observer Job Announcement
Melanie White
[MARMAM] Seeking Abstracts: Ocean Sciences 2022 Soundscapes Session
Adrienne Copeland - NOAA Federal
[MARMAM] New publication: Population consequences of acoustic disturbance on western gray whales
Elizabeth A McHuron
[MARMAM] Online Internship/course at Marine Mammal Research Association for Autumn 2021
Selina Brouwer
[MARMAM] Registration Now Open: An Introduction to Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) In The Marine Environment online course, 13 - 16 September 2021
[MARMAM] Reminder: Registration open for Fall 2020 - Aquatic Animal Conservation Issues
Larkin,Iskande (Iske)
[MARMAM] Vacancy: Database Analyst (Maternity Cover)
HWDT Science
[MARMAM] New publication: Individual behavioural phenotypes of a wild pinniped
Jonas Schwarz
[MARMAM] New paper: Bryde's whales in the North-East Atlantic: New insights on site fidelity and connectivity between oceanic archipelagos
Rita Ferreira
[MARMAM] Pinniped Entanglement Prevention & Response Workshop at SMMC Dec. 12, 2021
Kim Raum-Suryan - NOAA Federal
Tristan Burgess
[MARMAM] New publication: Cetacean strandings along the German North Sea coastline 1604–2017
Helena Herr
[MARMAM] Marine Mammal / Sea Turtle Observer Certification - Sept 25-26, 2021
Angela Bostwick
[MARMAM] Committee members wanted for the SMM student chapter in Australia/New Zealand
Rebecca Boys
[MARMAM] Aerial Observer - Provincetown, MA USA
Stephanie Richardson
[MARMAM] New paper on self-localization of buoyless (ropeless) fishing gear
Mark Baumgartner
[MARMAM] New paper: advancing social equity in and through marine conservation
Asha de Vos
[MARMAM] Master in Conservation Medicine of Aquatic Animals
Marinemammals Bca
[MARMAM] New paper: Narwhal detection by infrared flukeprints from aerial survey imagery
Katie Florko
[MARMAM] catRlog, a new photo-ID project mgmt system in R
Eric Keen
[MARMAM] New Publication: Epigenetic Aging in Bottlenose Dolphins
Ashley Barratclough
[MARMAM] IMMS animal training internship (winter)
Jennifer Pishnyuk
[MARMAM] SMM Editor’s Select Series for August 19th: Population genomic structure of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Australian and New Zealand waters
Student Members-at-Large Society for Marine Mammalogy
[MARMAM] New Paper: Separating overlapping echolocation: An updated method for estimating the number of echolocating animals in high background noise levels
Rebecca Hamilton
[MARMAM] Online Course Now Open for Registration - An Introduction To Using GIS/QGIS In Biological Research, 6th - 9th September 2021
[MARMAM] New Paper: A Community Science Approach to addressing Seal-Fishery Interactions in New England
andrea bogomolni
[MARMAM] Internship Equity Webinar co-hosted by SMM and WDC
Eric Archer - NOAA Federal
[MARMAM] New paper: Broad-Scale Responses of Harbor Porpoises to Pile-Driving and Vessel Activities During Offshore Windfarm Construction
[MARMAM] Publication: Startle and heart rate responses in captive harbour porpoises
Siri Elmegaard
[MARMAM] New publication on mud ring feeding in dolphins
Eric Angel Ramos
[MARMAM] ArcticNet ASM 2021: Invitation to submit an abstract to “Arctic marine mammal research and monitoring”
Luke Storrie
[MARMAM] Marine Mammal Training Courses - Vancouver, BC in Fall 2021
Edgewise Environmental
[MARMAM] New publication of Ecomega Research Group
Eduardo Secchi
[MARMAM] FWC Florida Manatee Photo-identification Internship
Johnson, Jennifer
[MARMAM] PAM Software Basics - August Training Session
Elizabeth Ferguson