Now that I am in front of a keyboard I'll be a bit more expansive.

On Mon, 6 Jan 2025, Louis via mailop wrote (with some re-threading):

Op maandag 6 januari 2025 om 23:32, schreef Andrew C Aitchison via mailop 

On Mon, 6 Jan 2025, L. Mark Stone via mailop wrote:
If one of our customers wants a copy of the emails on our system
sent to their Gmail account, we advise them to set up their Gmail
account to fetch such emails from our system instead.
...              ...
Do you have a 'device' specific secret (OpenAuth, CLientID etc.) for
GMail to use ? How do you get GMail to use it ?
Do GMail have documentation on how the rest of us can do this ?

You just go to the settings and you can add POP3 credentials. Google
will poll for new messages every so often and transfer them. Unable
to find docs, but it's not a hard feature to use.

Ah. I meant documentation on getting GMail to use a 'device' specific secret

If not, how comfortable are you giving GMail your users' passwords
(sorry, asking your users to share their password with GMail) ?
Realistically, it's the same risk as giving the user's password to any email
client, right? Unless you implement a strict ASP policy for imap/pop/smtp,
the user is going to be giving out their passwords to email clients anyway.

The effect *may* be the same but, as Yuv pointed out elsewhere in this thread,
the detailed risks are very different.

I'm not sure which ASP you mean.

However, the real point is that if Mark's service wants to collect
mail from a user's GMail account, an imap/pop/smtp password is not
really sufficient. If he is lucky the user will get a popup from GMail
asking if they will let Mark access their mailbox, but more likely he will
need to give GMAIL some sort of secondary token; either OAuth or an app password.

I was hoping that Mark had implemented something similar and *** found a way to make GMail use it to collect mail from his service. ***

I would not be happy letting GMail collect mail from me using a method
that I cannot use to collect from them.

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK
mailop mailing list

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