Dnia 18.10.2024 o godz. 10:20:46 Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop pisze:
> In any case, spammers aren't dumb, and they can set up perfectly
> valid SPF and DKIM for their domains conveniently hidden behind
> domain registrars and hosters who would rather bite and swallow
> their tongue than disclose who their customers are. DMARC as a spam
> reduction mechanism is not really working. It can be used to detect
> some forged mails though, with limited success due to the high
> number of false positives. Many fraudulent attacks such as phishing
> or advance fee fraud work by exploiting layer 8 security
> deficiencies while having proper DKIM&SPF, which you can't easily
> fix with technology.

That's the most important point against SPF, DKIM and DMARC. If they don't
stop spam at all, and are quite limited in preventing forged emails (plus
give a lot of trouble with FPs), are they really still worth pushing so

That's the question we should all ask ourselves.

(From my experience, there was ONE, single point in time when I observed an
actual, huge drop in spam amount coming to my server. And this state
persists until now. This was - believe it or not - the moment when GDPR was
introduced in the EU. So from my experience I can say that GDPR actually DID
more to stop spam than any technical means, probably because it targeted
spammers at the root of their operations, ie. obtaining lists of addresses
to spam. Of course, as always, YMMV...)
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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