On 10/17/2024 10:00 AM, Alessandro Vesely via mailop wrote:
Missing a backup authentication method would make DMARC even less reliable.

On 17.10.24 17:18, Dave Crocker via mailop wrote:
A backup method that adds complexity and breaks under significant, common scenarios does not sound like a great backup method.

I don't think that those scenarios are that common as you imply.
According to my experience, SPF matches quite often and problems are quite rare.

I really don't see the point of keeping SPF out of DMARC.
It's not important how often it's broken, but how often it's correct.

Hence my continuing query about practice, rather than theory. Where are the numbers that show this utility to be actually significant?

a very very simple query from some servers:

# zgrep -Fc -e DKIM_VALID_AU mail.log.1
# grep -F SPF_PASS mail.log.1|grep -vc DKIM_VALID_AU

# zgrep -Fc -e DKIM_VALID_AU mail.log.1
# grep -F SPF_PASS mail.log.1|grep -vc DKIM_VALID_AU

I'd call that worth using.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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