Another option is to simply ask the original meeting organizer to add whoever 
you need to the meeting, so they get an invite directly from the organizer 
instead of a forwarded copy.  If it's a virtual meeting (zoom, teams, etc...), 
a lot of times our users don't even bother forwarding it, they just internally 
share the URL for the meeting room.


From: mailop <> on behalf of Scott Q. via mailop 
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 11:39 AM
To: Mark Alley <>; <>
Subject: Re: [mailop] Outlook forwarding meeting invite breaks DMARC

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Thank you.

Do you know what advantage this 'expected behavior' has, in order for Outlook 
to keep on doing it this way ?


On Monday, 29/07/2024 at 11:20 Mark Alley via mailop wrote:

Outlook has had this problem IIRC since I first started working with DMARC back 
in ~2017. It's "expected behavior" apparently, since it uses the "Sender" 
header to notate the forwarder is sending "on behalf of" the Meeting organizer 
(which obviously doesn't fix the RFC5322.FROM)

I've usually advised users to send the invite as an attachment with the 
"Forward as iCalendar" option on Desktop outlook in their calendar, which 
avoids the problem.

- Mark Alley

On 7/29/2024 9:55 AM, Scott Q. via mailop wrote:
Anyone else dealing with Outlook not rewriting the header From upon forwarding 
a meeting invite ?

This is obviously wrong and breaks on domains with strict DMARC policy.

I only found this thread that's 3 years old talking about it:<;!!PZ0xAML5PpHLxYfxmvfEjrhN5g!S_hQ5dZZZ3wVR3Omn_uCDOEm3S4K8G6oJfbMk0ZLr763DiaIcT7Tlr_nK0o9XrejZSSirZ8vMu3WusXXhtkrKw$>

What would the recommended behavior be ? Not forward invites ? Switch MUA ?


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