Hello list, this is my frst time posting here but I really need to share this weird behaviour.

So I'm one of the administrator of a big mailing lists server. One of our user complained that when the subscribers to her list wrote to the list, only she received the message.

Which is not possible, due to the very mechanisms of the Sympa mailing list software that we're using.

I noticed, by one of her reports, that the users did not send a message to the list, but to the list owners. This is the almost the same address. If a list has the address, "myl...@mydomain.com", then the owners have the address "mylist-requ...@mydomain.com".

But why did they write to this address? It's only when I had a videoconference with my user that I could see that, in her Outlook client, when displaying a message from the list, it read something like "mylist-requ...@mydomain.com <original.poster@original.domain>". And hen clicking on it, the "-request" address was emphatized. It is therefore very easy to copy this address and paste it in a new message.

The "-request" address only appears in the "Sender" field. As per RFC 2822 : "The "From:" field specifies the author(s) of the message, that is, the mailbox(es) of the person(s) or system(s) responsible for the writing of the message.  The "Sender:" field specifies the mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual transmission of the message."

Absolutely no reason to display it to end user as the actual mail originator. It makes sense to give it as information, but displaying the way it is to end users is totally misleading.

In order to stop mayhem in those lists, I had to make Sympa remove the "Sender" header from outgoing emails. But who knows what side effect will this change have for deliverability ?

Do you know if there is an actual rationale behind this behaviour (which looks like it appeared recently) ?

Best regards,


"À un certain niveau, le sport n'a plus rien à voir avec le fair-play.
Il met en jeu la haine, la jalousie, la forfanterie, le mépris de toutes
les règles et le plaisir sadique que procure le spectacle de la violence.
En d'autres termes : c'est la guerre, les fusils en moins."
- Georges Orwell

David Verdin
La Fabrique
Direction des Services Applicatifs
RENATER - Rennes

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