
> > First of all: I am fed up with telling people to look for missing emails in 
> > their spamfolders.
> >
> > If I have to check a spamfolder for false positives every day, I can just 
> > have them delivered to my inbox. The spamfolder does not have an advantage 
> > then.
> >
> > Your user's opinion on that will change as soon as someone missed a bid or 
> > contract, because it hid in the spam folder :).  

It looks like I missed the original email. Interesting topic we have
been pondering a lot a couple of years ago designing our ISP mail

I fully agree and that is the reason why our ISP email platform has no

Basic principle of our solution: An email shall never disappear from
the users perspective.

An email delivered to the spamfolder, from the sender AND recipient
point of view, just disappears unnoticed until somebody is 'missing'
that email and actively looking for it. But then it might be too late
for an important email.

Furthermore, if you enable per domain (per organisation) catch-all
spamfolder where an admin is going (that won't be done) through those
emails to find false positive sent to anyone in that organisation, that
is a big NO NO from the privacy point of view.

We offer customer those settings if spam is detected:

* Reject (during SMTP handshake)
* Tag Subject
* Accept

So if an email is deemed spam and is a positive, the recipient is not
going to miss it or get bothered by having to look at it in the
spamfolder and the sender (probably a botnet anyway) is not going to

If this is a false positive, the sender, using a proper MTA which will
deliver an error message. The sender will know immediately this did not
work and take corrective actions.

And yes I can hear you shouting 'BUT!'

BUT if the email is tagged as spam in the subject, the recipient can
use that tag to filter them into a spamfolder with sieve or his mail
client => Customer Problem. Not caused by us as service provider.

BUT the sender will just ignore/delete the error message in case of a
false positive. => Again, sender problem, we did our best!

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

Zurlindenstrasse 29             Tel  +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln                Fax  +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz                         Web  http://www.imp.ch
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