> On May 19, 2022, at 8:11 AM, Dave Crocker via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> 
> wrote:
> As noted earlier in the thread, there are some actors who are not criminally 
> inclined.  Ignorant and/or aggressive, but willing to follow the rules, or at 
> least mostly.  So, for example, they properly identify themselves.  And given 
> a sufficiently forceful requirement, they will grudgingly conform.

A notable and well-known (in some circles at least) example being Harris 
Interactive (the Harris Poll), who, when listed on the RBL, after initially 
saber-rattling and even filing a lawsuit, withdrew the lawsuit and reached out 
to us (this is when I was in-house at MAPS) asking us/me to guide them in 
changing their ways, and doing it right.  They became the poster child for 
'going straight'.  (We did press on this, so this is all public knowledge.)

To this day I think of them in terms of how an otherwise 'legitimate' 
organization can be doing it horribly wrong, but then actually turn it around. 
(Contrast that to a certain well-known coffee purveyor with an affiliate 
program, of whom I also think to this day, but for very different reasons (they 
were actually who I had in mind when we wrote the vendor liability amendment to 

Hrrm...a  'Remember them?' notable spammers/reformed spammers thread could be 
fun, but probably too much bandwidth-munching for what is intended to be a 
useful list. :-)

To put it back on track, I'd say that perhaps as many as 50% of companies that 
apply to ISIPP SuretyMail for certification and inclusion on the IADB Good 
Senders List are doing it wrong, but are also prepared to change their 
practices and follow the rules and do it right, but of course this is in part 
because they *know* they are having deliverability problems, which is why they 
came to us in the first place.  (I'd also say that perhaps 10-15% of 
applications we get are doing it wrong, and *not* prepared to change once that 
is pointed out to them).  There are those who don't know but care, those who 
don't know and don't care, and those who know and don't care.


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO ISIPP SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (now the anti-spam arm of 

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