Dnia  5.08.2021 o godz. 11:18:55 Noel Butler via mailop pisze:
> This only happens because as demonstrated here many are too scared
> to block the bigger mail senders/providers - and since these gutless
> so and so's publicly admit it, the big boys know it, so have little
> reason to be motivated to "clean up their act".

I would never block an entire server/provider, no matter big or small,
unless the server/provider sends spam *only* and not any legitimate emails.

If there are even few legitimate emails from this IP address, I would never
block it. Because email is all about communications, and I don't want to
sacrifice actual communications in order to fight spam aggresively.

I don't care about providers, I do care about end users. Someone who wants
to send an email and someone who wants to receive it. Their ability to send
and receive emails should NOT be harmed in any way because I want to fight
spam. Yes, obviously I do want to fight spam, but NEVER at the cost of
someone losing actual email.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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