Dnia  1.06.2021 o godz. 15:39:15 John Levine via mailop pisze:
> No, it's to deliver the mail that the users want. One point that bulk
> mailers often miss is that, while the recipients at large providers do
> not object to getting the bulk mail, they also do not really want it.
> So if the provider doesn't deliver it, and their users don't care, that is
> not necessarily a mistake.

Why do you always assume that the issue only refers to bulk mail?

I ran once, a few years ago, into an issue where my purely personal
messages, to someone I know, who had email hosted on O365, have been just
silently discarded by MS. Neither me nor the recipient knew about this,
until we figured out something is wrong and managed to contact using another
means. (A similar situation is with Gmail putting my messages into Spam
folder, which happened to me a few times).

So using your (and Microsoft's) logic, the recipient "did not want" that
mail, and "didn't care" that she didn't get it, because she didn't complain
to MS that she didn't get it. Which was obviously not the case. And she
couldn't complain because she didn't know in the first place that I send her
that email.

It was good that I had a different way of contacting that person. But what
if the only contact was email? Let's assume for example that the recipient
is you. You are quite a famous person ;), among others because of a few books
you wrote. Some of those books contain your e-mail address, so it's quite
normal that you can expect e-mails from your readers. Assume I'm a reader
who wants to contact you - for example to ask about something I read in your
book or just to express my opinion. But my email gets discarded or rejected.
You don't know that I wanted to write to you, so you can't even tell whether
my e-mail was wanted or not (according to my criteria, an author can never
call messages from his readers "unwanted", even if they just hate him). But
according to your logic, since you never worried that you didn't get my
email (which you didn't know about at all), you didn't want that email. See
the absurdity?
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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