I don't really understand why anybody would use UCEPROTECT3 anyway.

The first sentence of their web page says:

"This blacklist has been created for HARDLINERS. It can, and probably will
cause collateral damage to innocent users when used to block email."


On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 7:43 AM Chris via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

> On 2021-01-20 05:10, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:
> > On one hand, UCEPROTECT is relatively aggressive, and their unlisting
> policy is at least questionable. However, running
> > a blacklist incurs costs in terms of server time and admin time, so if
> they provide access for free, how should they
> > recover their costs?
> On that note, let me tell you all a story:
> I (with assistance of others) wrote RFC6471 ("Overview of Best Email
> DNS-Based List (DNSBL) Operational Practices") way back in 2012.  It has
> a section called "conflict of interest" where delisting for a fee (for
> charity or otherwise) was considered a MUST NOT - due to its appearance
> of extortion.
> At the time, only SORBS and UCEPROTECT were doing "fees", in SORBS case,
> the fees went to charities.  I was told directly by UCEPROTECT that the
> fees were "beer money" for the volunteers, and NOT to recover costs.
> RFC6471 was in its final stages of discussion within the ASRG before
> pushing upwards for IETF final editting and approval.  UCEPROTECT took
> great exception and attempted to extort me (and another author who
> wasn't active at all at the time) personally to take that section out.
> They turned off UCEPROTECT removals entirely, directed listees to
> complain to me (and the co-author) personally, and everyone went away
> for the weekend.
> The uproar was in the ASRG, and people like John Levine will remember it
> well.  The UCEPROTECT spokesperson was quite gleeful about the impending
> mailbomb.
> I told them that if they didn't stop doing this by the Monday, I'd have
> to report it to my Corporate Security and Legal departments as an attack
> upon the company.
> There was a mad scramble on their side and they finally got it stopped.
> UCEPROTECT's customer base seems fairly small, most of it in Germany
> where apparently they have secured some commercial contracts under some
> sort of "buy German" doctrine.
> As a FYI, SORBS was also present in the conversation and acted entirely
> professionally throughout the whole thing.  A few months later SORBS
> informed me that they had dropped their charitable donation request.
> And, oh, the mailbomb?  Precisely 4 angry emails, of which every one of
> which, once I explained the situation, encouraged to not give in to
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