On 1/20/21 11:10 AM, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:
Am 20.01.21 um 10:40 schrieb Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop:
just got an information from MxToolbox that my IP (actually not my IP in
particular, but the ASN it belongs to) has been blacklisted at UCEPROTECT
level 3. Checking of my IP ( at
http://www.uceprotect.net/en/rblcheck.php gives the info that it has been
listed because there were 1868 spamming IPs from within this ASN last 7
days while their threshold for level 3 listing is 717.

My question is: how widely is this BL (UCEPROTECT level 3) used? Do I have
to worry about deliverability? Their page tells me to ask my provider to fix
the issue, which I will do, but... it's OVH, so you know...

I also find it quite impudent that the people who run UCEPROTECT offer
the whitelisting option (ips.whitelisted.org), but request payment for it...
If you provide access to blacklist for free, you should whitelist for free
as well.

On one hand, UCEPROTECT is relatively aggressive, and their unlisting policy is 
at least questionable. However, running
a blacklist incurs costs in terms of server time and admin time, so if they 
provide access for free, how should they
recover their costs?

On the other hand - this is OVH! They are huge, and they don't seem to have a 
working abuse desk (at least I never got
any reaction to abuse reports I sent there, and I've most likely send 
hundreds). This means they are an attractive
spammer haven, and the number of persistent spammers in their network is 

In light of this, UCEPROTECT taking whitelisting fees from users of cheap 
providers that cut their costs by not paying
an abuse team or by making a profit from spammer hosting looks not so 
unreasonable after all. I do not condone their
practice, though. On the mail systems that I run, mails from this AS would be 
rejected with a temporary error code until
I see sufficient reason to whitelist the IP, which may take a day or more.

There's a saying in german "Billig muss man sich leisten können" - "You have to be 
able to afford buying cheaply".

I agree with what you said. That said, those who use UCEPROTECT above level 1 to unconditionally block mails deserve to lose mails.

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