On 2021-01-20 5:39 a.m., Vittorio Bertola via mailop wrote:
I could understand listing specific providers if they were clearly and openly 
tolerant of spammers, but listing big chunks of the entire industry at once?

Personally, I think this is the year that you can expect to see more of that, as discussed in an earlier thread. It isn't only about being openly tolerant, it is about whether the company is monitoring their own networks, performing take downs in a timely manner, and preventing new sign-ups from obvious miscreants..

You can understand that if every day a new set of spammers can set up shop on a network, and that keeps happening for months and years on end, that company is going to have more people, whether quietly on their own, or in a very public manner, start simply rejecting traffic from those networks, and accept a little collatoral damage.

This is the year for network operators to become more responsible for the activity on their own networks.

If you are unfortunately one of those that are in that collatoral damage, then you probably will move to a network that has a better repututation for not allowing miscreants on the network.

And remember, it isn't always just spammers, often those miscreants are a lot lot worse.

"because there were 1868 spamming IPs from within this ASN last 7

You do have to question once an ISP gets to the point where 1000's of IPs are involved in spamming, especially when they get to that size, are they doing everything they can to stop spammers?

Don't get me wrong, at scale it's easy to have say 100's of compromised wordpress servers, or any other software that isn't updated and maintained regularly by the owner.. but the ISPs CAN do things to detect/stop that.

So before whining about the block list operator, (albeit, yeah removal fees is a bit of a sticky point, don't think that is the best way to cover costs of operating an RBL) you might like to examine why you are on there in the first place..

Just follow the infosec twitter feeds, and ask your self the question, why are so many of these bots on the same networks every time.

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