Dnia  9.12.2019 o godz. 12:52:31 Steven Champeon via mailop pisze:
> Actual example from this month, and I'm a past customer and in the
> market for a fresh prescription update:
>    Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 04:27:15 +0000 (UTC)
>    From: "Eyeglasses.com" <customerserv...@email.eyeglasses.com>
>    To: scham...@hesketh.com
>    Subject: It's Black Friday, FREE LENSES
> That's all I can see in mutt. Not even a "your mail client sucks" or
> "click on the URL to view this message in a web browser" disclaimer.

As you are using mutt, you definitely know how to use the "v" key on the
message :). Then you can press Enter on the HTML part and your locally
installed text-mode browser like w3m, lynx or links kicks in and displays
the HTML for you. However, it still sucks to have to do this :)

I sometimes have to do this because one of the participants of a mailing
list I'm subscribed to uses one of those stupid
reformat-everything-to-one-line web mailers you mentioned, so to properly
read his messages I have to use "v", press Enter on the HTML (not plain text)
part and read it in w3m. But this still sucks, as I said.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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