Am 09.12.19 um 09:50 schrieb Maarten Oelering via mailop:
> Multipart messages with html and text alternatives are generally considered 
> best practice. Senders with html templates should add a text version is the 
> common believe.
> But it's almost 2020, and we were wondering if there's still a good reason 
> for adding plain text to a html message. Is there a significant audience 
> reading in plain text? Is plain text important for accessibility? Because 
> SpamAssassin says so?
> Would be great to get feedback from this diverse and knowledgable community.

For security and anti tracking reasons text emails are a necessity.
Even on our Webmailsystem here at University of Konstanz we have Plain
Text as default.
There are less than 1% of all emails between people which use HTML.
Only Marketing uses it heavily.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung Basisdienste
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416

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