On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 09:58:45 -0500, Michael Rathbun <m...@honet.com> wrote:

>>The IPs are from different networks and being used by different customers...

And I should have mentioned that "same spam from different networks, from same
sending operation" is one of the most instantaneous ways of getting CSS
listed.  I have seen it take as short as eleven minutes for a newly-initiated
/24 to go from pristine to CSS listed for this reason.  (The .sig is

   If Jurassic Park had been about email, Jeff Goldblum would be known 
   for saying "Spammers, uh, find a way".

      -- David Carriger of Infusionsoft, after noting that some spammers
         they hosed off the deck had found a new home elsewhere.

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