Hello, I need help with delisting an IP range from Microsoft. I sent them couple e-maisl along with my co-workers also sending them e-mails and nothing. Anyone with ideas or that can assist? We had two customers with bad mail loops, so not spam and not intentional.
I appreciate the assistance. Luana [ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/mimecast#p/u/15/_523kC3lcNQ] [ Twitter: http://twitter.com/mimecast ] [ Our Blog: http://blog.mimecast.com/ ] Luana Patel Messaging Security Analyst (Level 1) c: p: http://www.mimecast.com Johannesburg Map GPS: 26' 05.940" S, 18o 28' 04.278" E (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=104153695170153523925.000469102c74a808b138c≪=-26.099685,28.069403&spn=0.011986,0.026178&z=16) Cape Town Map GPS: 33o 56.068" S, 18o 28.320" E (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?source=s_q&hl=en≥ocode=&mrt=all&ie=UTF8&g=Fir+Street,+Observatory,Cape+Town&msa=0≪=-33.934753,18.4721&spn=0.00413,0.009656&z=17&msid=100887237870528382628.00046a80a3916c933dad3) ==================================================================================================================================================================== Disclaimer This email, sent at 15:31:59 on 2019-03-14 from lpa...@mimecast.com to mailop@mailop.org has been scanned for viruses and malware by Mimecast, an innovator in software as a service (SaaS) for business. 's email continuity, security, archiving and compliancy is managed by Mimecast's unified email management platform. To find out more, email i...@mimecast.co.za or request a demo. Mimecast SA (Pty) Ltd is a registered company within the Republic of South Africa, company registration number: 2004/000965/07 VAT No. 4650210547
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