On Fri, 28 Dec 2018 16:51:38 +0000, Laura Atkins <la...@wordtothewise.com>

>Personally, I believe Microsoft is going to do what they’re going to do. This 
>isn’t just about their filtering, this is a giant corporate culture that has 
>some Extremely Poor Policies that are unfriendly to people and are actively 
>harmful to the internet. 

and to Microsoft.

>                         My big complaints aren’t mail related, they’re other 
>abuse issues that Microsoft simply isn’t dealing with. But getting Microsoft 
>to step up and change and become a responsible corporate member of the 
>internet? I just don’t see it happening, no matter how much evidence is 

Certainly my efforts to move things when I was inside the beast nearly all
came to nought.  Nor was I by any means alone.  If they wouldn't listen to us,
who were known (or at least hired) to be exceedingly knowledgeable of the
net.universe and purveyors of valuable counsel, you probably won't be heeded,
unless your net worth exceeds $0.25T and there would be Corporate Interest in
your opinions.

>Thing is, what can we do about it? At least one ESP has told me they’ve sent 
>Microsoft clear evidence that their filtering is broken. This was… sometime 
>over the summer, I think (I’ve got to admit, the move has really disrupted my 
>life). Given Microsoft still hasn’t changed and their statements at recent 
>conferences that they’re happy with the filtering as is. It’s pretty clear to 
>me they’re not listening to anyone complaining and the only real solution is 
>figure out how to work in their paradigm. 

I consider this assessment to be, unfortunately, correct.  

   We are all temps.
      -- Daisy Adair

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