Hi Nicolas,

Le Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 04:22:44PM +0000, Webb, Nic via mailop 
[mailop@mailop.org] a écrit:
> Hello:
> I???m trying to reach someone at Orange. Over the last 4 days, we???re
> seeing a significant number of throttling messages (around 300,000
> over the last 24 hours) like the following:
> 421 mwinf5c07 ME Service refuse. Veuillez essayer plus tard. Service
> refused, please try later. OFR_999 [999] 421 mwinf5c86 ME Trop de
> connexions, veuillez verifier votre configuration. Too many
> connections, slow down. OFR004_104 [104]
> We???re doing our throttle back our connections, but it???s at the
> point where I have hundreds of recipients at Orange / Wanadoo domains
> reaching out to us wondering where their transactional mails are ???
> they???re seeing delays of over 12 hours.

I wish you have some luck getting someone from Orange replying to you.

Being a french service provider we have a lot of users sending emails to
these @orange.fr mailboxes and every SMTP server we manage needs to have
some very low settings as for concurrent connections to their servers.
(we usually limit to 2 concurrent connections)
Limiting the number of recipients per smtp sessions can be useful to, if
you get "multi-recipients" emails to deliver to them.

If you respect these limits, it usually pass rather quickly.

They probably have some "whitelist" for large mail hosters like Gmail or
MS, but I don't think it's easy getting enough attention of them to be
whitelisted :)

Dominique Rousseau 
Neuronnexion, Prestataire Internet & Intranet
21 rue Frédéric Petit - 80000 Amiens
tel: 03 22 71 61 90 - fax: 03 22 71 61 99 - http://www.neuronnexion.coop

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