(Re-sending to list)
On 9/2/2016 3:02 AM, Mark Milhollan wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Sep 2016, Dave Brockman wrote:
>> There is an encoded text attachment named
>> details.txt, I'm not sure what to do with that.  
> Really?  A text attachment should be something that every MUA still 
> alive can handle, even if it is encoded using Base64.

I was getting the attachments roughly 4th party through a chain of
forwards from the original senders to internal staff to escalation to
me.  So, yes, there is something out there sending email live on the
Internet today that didn't know what else to do but dump it as a text
attachment.  It appears to be whatever one particular MSN user is using
to initially forward, other tests through the rest of the chain from
internal staff do not have this affliction.

> That they can reach MSN/Hotmail isn't sufficient proof that the reverse 
> is true.  You might check that your client hasn't blocked 25/TCP (or 
> more) from the supposed source(s) named in the delay notices.

Haven't found anything as of yet.  Border FW and host FW have been
verified.  I'm peeling through 9 levels of filtering, but all of these
processes should be post submission at this point.  Still waiting on my
final NDR to my OL.com address, hoping there is something there.

> /mark

Thanks to all of you that took time to look at this, I appreciate your



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