Apparently, as I said, Microsoft and the UK MOD have some sort of an agreement 
wrt 25/8. What the terms of that agreement are, I do not know.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Shaun<>
Sent: ‎7/‎15/‎2016 8:50 PM
To: David Conrad<>
Cc: Michael Wise<>;<>
Subject: Re: [mailop] 'x-originating-ip' is [] ?

Disclosure, I steered bashis here from the Full Disclosure list.

This reminds me of when was, erm, similarly unallocated.
Hamachi decided to co-opt 5/8 for their VPN service, because no one was
announcing it. It worked for some years, then that space was delegated
to RIPE and suddenly there were legitimate routes there.

So, Hamachi switched over to assigning addresses in 25/8. While they
don't "leak" AFAIK, it's still a giant kludge over RFC1918. A routable
/8 has substantial value, the owner of this particular one is going
through some political changes, agreements could change at any time, etc.

Far be it from me to question how an org the size of Microsoft manages
its IPv4 space, much less its delicate political accords. But I was just as
much interested in the answer as bashis was, so mahalo Michael for the


On Fri, 15 Jul 2016 16:30:17 -0700
David Conrad <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Jul 15, 2016, at 3:43 PM, Michael Wise via mailop <> 
> wrote:
> > Every so often we need to (re-)?explain this.
> > That block, 25/8, is not in fact announced by anyone.
> Perhaps not right now...
> > Not the UK Ministry of Defense.
> > Not Microsoft.
> > Not Nobody.
>  Yes, I'm aware that is a different /8 held by HMG, however, given the lack 
> of supply and the increasing demand for IPv4 addresses, it is most likely not 
> particularly prudent to assume any IPv4 block (or part of a block) will not 
> be announced at some point in the future (particularly a block held by a 
> government, given their interests is increasing revenues without raising 
> taxes).
> > But reconfiguring 16,222,216 network devices takes time.
> > The solution, of course, is IPv6.
> It's a race!
> Regards,
> -drc
> (speaking only for myself)

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