Signed by whom? First off, this would require that sign-ups be transferred
from web to email. Secondly, I can see how it could easily be forged. All
I'd have to do is set up a mail server to send DKIM-signed email for each
"opt-in" request, each with a different DKIM domain out of a set of
pre-registered rotating domains. Bingo! "proof" of opt-in. Spammers have
been doing this for years w/ IP-based date/time/IP-formatted opt-in proof

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Michael Wise <>

> A DKIM-signed submission request?
> With IP, time stamp, and such like would be pretty undeniable intent to
> subscribe, IMHO.
> Or provide plenty of fodder for the sysadmin of the domain in question to
> track down the imposter.
> Aloha,
> Michael.
> --
> *Michael J Wise* | Microsoft | Spam Analysis | "Your Spam Specimen Has
> Been Processed." | Got the Junk Mail Reporting Tool
> <> ?
> *From:* mailop [] *On Behalf Of *Tim Starr
> *Sent:* Friday, June 10, 2016 11:14 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [mailop] Mailchimp / Mandrill App: European VS US Privacy
> Laws
> Rule #1: Spammers lie. What sort of "proof of opt-in" could they provide
> that can't be forged? Also, it does not follow from that requirement that
> senders must be "identifiable." That may be a separate legal requirement,
> but it doesn't logically follow from the opt-in proof requirement.
> I also do not see how this matters when it comes to blacklist operations.
> "Tell me who your customer is so legal action can be taken against them" is
> what the law you cite seems to amount to. You are perfectly to block or
> blocklist anyone you want no matter what the law says.
> Tim Starr
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 2:50 AM, Benoit Panizzon <>
> wrote:
> Hi Suresh
> > They aren’t under any obligation to reveal customer identity to you
> > and would potentially face legal liability for doing so.
> This is exactly the problem.
> Privacy Laws in Switzerland (and most other countires I know) states,
> that the sender must provide proof of opt-in.
> Therefore, the sender must be identifiable. If the sender is not
> identifiable, the ISP of the sender must provide the identity of the
> sender.
> So an ISP does not face any legal liability on providing the identity
> of the sender as this is a legal requirement and the ISP acts according
> the law.
> There are court cases confirming this procedure.
> If this procedure and priority of privacy requirements is not observed,
> a spamer can never be prosecuted or blocked. The spamer can just
> pretend, that all his addresses are opt-in and that he acts legally but
> never has to prove it. Therefore Mailchimp cannot block him, or he can
> request to be unblocked because he claims towards mailchimp, that the
> spam reports are wrong and he has proof of opt-in from the recipients,
> which he never has to show anyone.
> The spamer could probably even prosecute mailchimp for blocking him or
> canceling his services.
> The users of our Blacklist request that we block mailchimp for not
> respecting privacy laws and not providing the legal identity of the
> spamers so they can provide a proof of opt-in or be made liable for not
> respecting the mass advertising law.
> So, do you have any suggestions on how to solve this issue?
> Legal References:
> Art. 8 Right to information
> <>
> Art. 82 Communication of data to identify nuisance calls and unfair
> mass advertising
> <>
> Bundesgesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (unfortunately not
> translated by
> <>
> )
> <>
> -Benoît Panizzon-
> --
> I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden
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