So, again, my question is where do you toggle icons >
text(abbreviations) in the menu, [per Soshana’s
link]( Mine are still showing icons.
True, the full text description appears when hovering my pointer over
the icon and that’s seems to be fine for me. Others may feel
differently, however.
Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
On 24 Aug 2024, at 10:02, Shoshanna Green wrote:
Now running v6063, and not only are my "edit mailbox" text buttons
nicely sized and reasonable, but the "edit mailbox" window opens
within two or three seconds instead of fifteen. Thanks, Benny!
On 16 Aug 2024, at 10:44, Shoshanna Green wrote:
On 16 Aug 2024, at 10:32, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 16 Aug 2024, at 15:47, Shoshanna Green wrote:
I'm running MailMate 6059 under Ventura. For the last couple of
versions, the Mailboxes, Conditions, Submailboxes, and Rules
buttons in the "edit mailbox" window have been terribly cramped
together on the right side of the window; image here
I simply hadn't noticed since icons are used for toolbars by
default. I assume you have this setting enabled:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmUseOldToolbar -bool YES
I would definitely have set any preference I could find for text over
icons, but I don't remember having done so; doesn't prove I didn't,
but checking with "defaults read com.freron.MailMate MmUseOldToolbar"
produces the error message "The domain/default pair of
(com.freron.MailMate, MmUseOldToolbar) does not exist." So I don't
know how it is that I have text buttons.
I'll look into it.
Thanks! Definitely not a big deal, but mildly annoying.
(Is there an upper limit on the complexity of a smart mailbox? The
one I used for the screencap has more than 200 conditions, and the
edit window takes about 15 seconds to appear. Not a big deal unless
something's going to get corrupted...?)
Shoshanna Green (she/her)
Shoshanna Green (she/her)
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