On 16 Aug 2024, at 15:47, Shoshanna Green wrote:
I'm running MailMate 6059 under Ventura. For the last couple of
versions, the Mailboxes, Conditions, Submailboxes, and Rules buttons
in the "edit mailbox" window have been terribly cramped together on
the right side of the window; image here
They used to be a reasonable size (so you could read their names!).
There's plenty of horizontal space available; why jam them up like
that? I figured this was a glitch that might get corrected, so I
waited for a couple of updates; but I just installed 6059 and it's
still happening, so I thought I'd inquire. Do other people see this,
or is it somehow just me?
I simply hadn't noticed since icons are used for toolbars by default. I
assume you have this setting enabled:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmUseOldToolbar -bool YES
Something I added a very long time ago.
You can check like this:
defaults read com.freron.MailMate MmUseOldToolbar
I just tried it, but it appears my buttons are not cramped, but I do get
an overflow button which shouldn't be there. Maybe that's related. I'll
look into it.
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