On 2022-01-04 05:45:30 (+0800), Antonio Leding wrote:
At present, I am only seeing this in Mailmate. I performed the following test which illustrates that this is not a system wide issue. Note that I actually specify the time as 24:15 for 15m past midnight and the system changes this to 00:15…

[aleding @ hubble ~/Desktop]
[220103_133539-0800 36649] > touch -t 202201012415 timetest-1

[aleding @ hubble ~/Desktop]
[220103_134034-0800 36650] > ls -l timetest-1
-rw-r--r--  1 aleding  admin  0 Jan  2 00:15 timetest-1

The system setting only applies to GUI applications.

(An email with screenshots will hit the list when Benny gets a chance to approve it.)


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
mailmate mailing list

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