On 2022-01-03 12:52:47 (+0800), Antonio Leding wrote:
Hello & Happy New Year fellow Mailmate users — Quick question re:
how Mailmate displays time between the top-of-midnight and 1am…
My research informs me that both 00:00 and 24:00 are, in some
situations, used interchangeably for the top-of-the-hour at midnight.
However, that same research shows that the time between midnight and
1am are denoted using 00:xx format; consider “Zero Dark Thirty” =
30 minutes past midnight or 00:30. In fact, I was unable to find any
standardized uses of the 24:xx format for describing times between the
top-of-midnight & 1am; all of the refs I found used 00:xx.
I have discovered that Mailmate displays times between top-of-midnight
& 1am using the 24:xx format so, with the above in mind, I wanted to
ask if this is intentional or a bug?
It's a system-wide configuration setting. Check under System Settings
-> Language & Region -> Advanced -> Times. I don't know if there's any
region that has [0]1-24 as default but it's certainly an option for
people who like it that way.
Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
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