On 30 Jun 2015, at 12:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 30 Jun 2015, at 10:42, Patrik Fältström wrote:
>> I have tested it as well. 1.8M messages. Seems to have imported correctly. 
>> At least the mdimport ended without error messages.
> Great!
>> How do I know what is better with spotlight compared to not?
> You mean what you gain by enabling Spotlight indexing? There are 3 advantages 
> and if you don't need any of them then I recommend disabling it (in the 
> General preferences pane):
> 1. When you use Spotlight (or the Finder) to do a search then emails in 
> MailMate are included in the results.

Aha, of course!

I just checked changes INSIDE MailMate... :-)

> 2. If you have exported emails from MailMate (drag'n'drop or the Export rule 
> action) then these can be searched using Spotlight (depending on where they 
> are saved). This works even if Spotlight indexing is disabled in MailMate 
> itself.
> 3. Other applications can use Spotlight to search for emails including those 
> in MailMate. (There might be an interesting example of that fairly soon.)


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