After running the command which seemed to go OK, I attempted a spotlight
search. However, spotlight would not respond in that I am able to enter
a search string but no matches appear. This occurred even for matches
elsewhere on the system. Spotlight was not busy indexing either.
So I opened Activity Monitor and saw that the mds process was registered
as using 100CPU although 100CPU was not really in use when looking at
the CPU load realtime monitoring. It seemed that Spotlight had
'partially' crashed. So I killed the mds process which auto-restarted. I
could then do spotlight searches again. However, no MailMate matches are
showing up.
Curtis acm
On 27 Jun 2015, at 9:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
I would appreciate if users of the latest test release (hold down ⌥
when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane)
could verify that the Spotlight plugin in MailMate works for all their
messages (in particular, does not crash).
Enable Spotlight indexing in the General preferences pane and then
paste the following in a Terminal window:
mdimport -n -d1 -g
~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Messages
Note that this assumes MailMate is installed in `/Applications/`.
(If you have other collections of emails then you can also apply the
importer to them.)
Thanks in advance.
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