On 30 Jun 2015, at 10:42, Patrik Fältström wrote:

I have tested it as well. 1.8M messages. Seems to have imported correctly. At least the mdimport ended without error messages.


How do I know what is better with spotlight compared to not?

You mean what you gain by enabling Spotlight indexing? There are 3 advantages and if you don't need any of them then I recommend disabling it (in the General preferences pane):

1. When you use Spotlight (or the Finder) to do a search then emails in MailMate are included in the results. 2. If you have exported emails from MailMate (drag'n'drop or the Export rule action) then these can be searched using Spotlight (depending on where they are saved). This works even if Spotlight indexing is disabled in MailMate itself. 3. Other applications can use Spotlight to search for emails including those in MailMate. (There might be an interesting example of that fairly soon.)

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