Interesting. I don't usually share folders between my VMWare and the Mac just because I don't want Windows messing with things on my Mac. Makes me wonder if VMWare didn't set some flags on the folder. Have you tried turning the folder sharing in VMWare off just to see if that makes a difference?


On 1/23/14 1:53 PM, Andrew Lamanche wrote:
Hi Chris, Tim and others,

Just to clarify, I'm trying to save files on the hard drive of my macbook air. 
That problem had never arisen until fairly recently, that's why I'm confused. 
After I had read your responses, I experimented a bit and tried to change a 
file name in one of the folders of my home folder to a long name and I got an 
error message. Im really surprised and somewhat cheesed off. It can't have 
anything to do with the fact that I run vmware fusion with Windows 7 on my 
machine, can it? I share my home folder with Windows 7 but in Windows you can 
now use long file names as well, as far as I know. So I'm really stumped. Nor 
do I know  whether there's anywhere that one could adjust these settings. I 
looked in the finder preferences and in system preferences but found nothing.

Is there a way of restoring settings on one's macbook air to factory, if such 
exist, and what might be the consequence of it?

Thanks, listers,



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