HI.  yes you will be able to use windows independently.  I have a mac mini but 
one day I hope to get a mac book pro or a mac book air.

Maria and crew from australia
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On 15/06/2013, at 11:55 PM, zoe <fiog...@rogers.com> wrote:

> Ok guys, let's say paralel is out. if I go with fusion, am I to understand 
> that I would not be able to boot windows up independedntly and use windows 
> commands? I like the idea if sharing files and etc between windows and mac 
> but I'm a little afraid of not being able to use windows independently,
> Also excuse me I'm not familiar yet with all the mac terminology, but I 
> think if I get the mac now it would come with mountain lion, but I think I 
> read somewhere that something new is coming out in the fall, should I wait 
> for the fall to get the newest out there or should I stick with the mountain 
> lion and get it now?  Also trying to make a desision between the mac mini 
> and the beautiful looking 27 inch all in one base i mac and opinions there?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Alex Hall" <mehg...@gmail.com>
> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 8:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> My thoughts are that it depends. I used Bootcamp when I started with the 
> Mac, and installed a boot manager that let me just hit w or m to boot into 
> windows or mac. It was great, since I needed to know not a single mac 
> command to use windows, whereas a virtual machine solution requires you to 
> be able to at least launch it in mac first. That said, I had no official 
> training so had to rely on this list and twitter to learn everything about 
> the mac. Since I still needed to use my computer on a daily basis, and since 
> the mac was my only machine, I felt that being able to use native windows 
> would be the best solution for me, until I was either comfortable with the 
> mac or decided it was not for me and stuck with only windows. Needless to 
> say, I got used to the mac and now hardly ever boot windows, and am looking 
> into replacing my bootcamp setup with a vm solution.
> If you are close to an Apple Store, you could go in there and get help, 
> especially in the first thirty days while your machine is still under 
> warranty. So, since you have access to help, I think a virtual machine 
> solution is better: no partitioning of the hard drive, not needing to shut 
> down to do something in the other OS, and you can even run a vm of win7 and 
> one of win8, or a linux distro, if you wanted to.
> None of this is final, too - if you bootcamp now, you can also use a vm 
> solution and erase your bootcamp later, or vice versa.
> As to virtual machine applications, I have no information on Parallels, but 
> I know Fusion is accessible. Virtualbox, another program, is not very 
> accessible, but it can be used. However, I had sound problems when I tried 
> to use it, so i'd stay away from that one. Really, Fusion seems the best 
> option, unless (as another poster said) Parallels has been updated to be 
> accessible.
> Please don't hesitate to ask questions about the mac as you learn it. We are 
> all here to help, and some of us are even happy to talk to you on the phone 
> or skype if necessary.
> On Jun 14, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Daniel Miller <miller...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Zoey,
>> I myself am using Fusion, and it's the most wonderful solution for 
>> accessing Windows programs along with your mac ones. Bootcamp requires 
>> some sighted help to set up, unless you can find a guide to help you, 
>> which I honestly still wouldn't recommend.
>> As far as Parallels, that's completely inaccessible, the last time i heard 
>> anything, but they may have changed. A lot of people on this list use 
>> VmWare Fusion.
>> On Jun 14, 2013, at 6:45 PM, zoe <fiog...@rogers.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone, I am thinking about getting a base  iMac. I am thinking 
>>> about getting a fusion drive and running Windows 8. I have been using 
>>> windows for 13 years and IM a little afraid to convert to the Mac. I use 
>>> an iPhone, and that has opened up a new world for me. The accessibility 
>>> that I have gotten  with voice over in my humble opinion, is excellent. 
>>> Even though I love my iPhone, the truth of the matter is I am used to 
>>> windows. Having said all this I really want to make the transition to Mac 
>>> I believe that I can learn a lot, and I also further believe that my 
>>> experience will be great. Here is where I need everybody's feedback. The 
>>> person who assessed me for my new computer suggested I use Boot Camp 
>>> which comes with the Mac computer. a second person later on suggested 
>>> that I use fusion because it is easier to toggle between windows and the 
>>> mac side. When I went to the Apple Store the gentleman who helped me, a 
>>> very very nice man and knowledgeable invoice over told me I should not go 
>>> with boot camp or fusion, but I should go with something called parallel. 
>>> What do you all suggest. I would like to know the differences between 
>>> Boot Camp fusion and parallel what will be the best for me to run what is 
>>> most accessible?  Does it even matter? Should I be putting so much 
>>> thought into this? Any advice would be appreciated so so much thank you 
>>> all for taking the time to read my mail and thank you in advance for 
>>> giving me advice if you can. Regards Zoe
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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