I didn't play with the game long because it was a bit too trippy for me. I
suspect, though, that turning Voiceover off when trying to collect artifacts
makes the game a bit more responsive even though VO isn't actually talking.
I can't prove this; just a suspicion. I am usually pretty good at this sort
of thing, but collecting artifacts and banishing the Nethalim was quite
difficult for me. I'm thinking a good pair of eyeballs would make things go
a bit better. <smile>

-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 8:57 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Dimensions

Oh wow, sounds really confusing, reminds me a lot of having to learn algibra
for the first time with maybe more of a twist.  I sometimes wish I could
just turn that part of the game off and just let it move from one dimention
to another, considering the fact that I just love the way it makes
everything sound different, which is the only reason I do anything with it,
but then again, that would probably defeat the purpose of the game play.

On May 10, 2013, at 8:09 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Jessica,
> No, it isn't a game for the blind.  I think the sound of metal you're
talking about is the sound to let you know where the artifact is.  If you
move your finger right, the artifact goes left, and vice versa.  So, if you
hear the clinking sound in the left ear, move your finger that way, to bring
the artifact back to the right, then move quickly back to center to stop the
movement.  I haven't gotten this to work, mind you, but that's what I'm told
you're supposed to do.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On May 10, 2013, at 6:57 PM, Jessica Moss <junglebookfa...@gmail.com>
>> Ok, a couple questions: first of all, when you find an artifact, what
does that sound mean, that kind of sounds like bells, or pieces of metal
hitting each other?  Second, is this game designed specificly for the blind?
>> My dad saw my status as it was updating, which I didn't realize that
posted by itself, and commented on it, and sense I hadn't been playing the
game all that long, I couldn't really explain it to him, especially sense I
had to leave him a voicemail message, and thought maybe he should try it
himself, but hes fully sighted so not sure how well he would be able to play
it if it doesn't have visually affects.
>> On May 10, 2013, at 1:18 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, Alex and Donna,
>>> Ok, the location of the beam varies a little. When you are using it, the
sound raises in pitch. Pull the artifact toward you, and hold steady once it
levels off at its highest pitch, which won't be much higher than its
beginning pitch. There will be a sort of "tada" tone when you've captured
it, and Emily will say something like "you got it!"
>>> The cells are simply power packs for you to play the game. The longer
you play, and the richer your sound environment, the more quantum cells
you'll collect. This is the way I played the game. I think I may have bought
one pack, because I was impatient.
>>> I didn't bother with the collective dimension, except to play it like
the other ones. You'll still have artifacts to collect in it, but you get
more cells if you connect to friends on Twitter and talk to them with the
messenger function, a la Church of the Subgenius style. I haven't used it,
but I've heard it's hit and miss for accessibility.
>>> Once you play a level for some period of time, like a few days, the next
level will unlock, or you can buy enough cells to unlock it. I think there
is one level that only unlocks when it's raining in your local area, but
since I live in the desert, I went ahead and bought cells to unlock it. :-P
>>> Anyhow, go ahead and contact me on or offlist if you have more
questions. Have fun.
>>> Teresa
>>> On May 9, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I'd like to ask a question as well. How do you collect cells? Artifacts
make noise, but cells seem to be silent. I know you can get cells other
ways, but it seems unfortunate to just let free ones drift by. Thanks. Oh,
one more: I did let the game access my Twitter account, but nothing happened
with the Collective Dimension, and no tweet seems to have been sent. Did I
do something wrong? Did it mean I need to be somewhere where it hears three
people speak?
>>>> On May 9, 2013, at 6:00 PM, Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>> You *are evil! :)
>>>>> I have a couple more questions.  when you're pulling to bring the
artifacts close to you, do you have to slide all the way to the bottom of
the screen?  And, how did you deal with the collective dimension?  I have
absolutely no desire to link this game to twitter or Facebook.  Is there any
way to unlock that dimension without doing that?  And, I assume that if you
don't unlock that dimension, there's no way to get to Level 2?  That would
sort of bring my game to a screeching halt.
>>>>> Thanks, Teresa!
>>>>> Donna
>>>>> On May 9, 2013, at 8:29 AM, Teresa Cochran
<vegaspipistre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> It took me a week to get an artifact and another week to get rid of
anethalim. Practice, practice. (evil giggle)
>>>>>> Teresa
>>>>>> On May 9, 2013, at 6:19 AM, Jessica Moss <junglebookfa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> I think Hannah does to a point too.  I put the headphones on her,
and let her talk and sing into it, and asked her if she liked it, and she
was like "yeah!"  then we would both talk into it, and blow into the
microphone on the phone,, but she then got tired of it, considering the fact
that she's only 3 and has a short attention spand, and after a while, I had
to make myself put the headphones away, sense I was finished with my chores,
which was the reason I wanted to play around with it and had time to.
>>>>>>> I just couldn't do the artifact thing, sense I couldn't figure it
out, but loved the way it kept going in and out of tranquil and flux mode,
and one time made it all the way to kinetic mode, but didn't stay there
because I wasn't moving around enough.
>>>>>>> On May 8, 2013, at 11:59 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>>>>>>> The quantum cells increase the longer you play and the richer your
sound environment is. The artifacts have a kind of sonar sound, and are very
distinctive once you recognize it. This game is very subtle in a lot of
ways, and takes some intent listening skills. It's almost like an
interactive musical piece with a game thrown in as an afterthought. It's
very innovative, and I really like it a lot.
>>>>>>>> Teresa
>>>>>>>> On May 8, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Well, Jessica, you're not the only one confused on this game.  I
haven't gotten a single artifact yet.  It sounds like the pull gesture is
like the dragging gesture kind of, but I haven't gotten either it or the
push gesture to work.  It's odd, too, because despite this, my number of
quantum cells keep going up.  I'm clueless.
>>>>>>>>> Donna
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