
Believe you me.  That's what all of us are complaining about.  Yes, tons upon 
tons of us have written the mods/owners.  Not even just about joining.

I wasn't publicly gonna say anything on list about this, but, seeing we seem to 
have no mod control, ok, I agree with Cara's policy of let list members work 
things out, and don't step in the way, but I think she's gone too far the other 
way extreme.  There was once a time where if you said the word Windows, JAWS, 
or Microsoft, no questions asked, you were banned forever more.  O... K... no, 
not really.  But! having said that, it was very strict.  Almost a comunest 
list.  (Sorry, no offense on the choice of words.)  Now it seems the other way. 
 It's so! laid back, that when things do! crop up, she or whoever for that mind 
is! the mod never takes control.  For a while, Mark Taylor (Dono if you know 
him...) was helping Cara Quin to moderate things.  I was put on moderation 
several times, then finally got banned from the list for publicly speaking my 
mind.  The only reason I got back on the list was because Mr. Taylor was kind 
and generous enough to put me back on the list despite Cara's bitching about 
why I as well as others shouldn't be on the list.  I think mark did an 
excellent! and I do mean, excellent! job while he was around.  I mean, list 
admin things were delt with within a day, if not way way sooner, and if you did 
have a concern about the list, or a member, you let me tell you one thing: it 
would be delt with quicker than you could blink an eye.  That guy was 
phenomenally outstanding!  I'd kill! to have him back on the mod team!  I 
talked with him on the phone a few times as well, and he was one of the nicest 
people in the mac community I've gotten to know.  One day, he basically just up 
and out said I'm giving up my rights as a co-mod.  He really didn't go into 
why.  I know him though.  I suspect it wasn't for a lame excuse.  He's reliable 
enough, if he said he couldn't do it anymore, I totally 100% trust it was for a 
good reason.  Anyway, I totally nominate him to come back on board, if he is 
still out there reading this.  One more example, then I'm done.  About a month 
ago, we had a thread that got started on here about ripping and copying DVD's.  
The thread was extremely good, and very informative at first, but before it was 
over, it turned into this really really long debate about how this one member 
who'll be left unsaid, thought it was ok to copy DVD's, then another wrote in 
saying how it made them almost herl, at the thought of blind people thinking 
just because we're blind, that gives us the right to get things for free.  So 
on so forth.  Before you knew it, this thread basically hogged the whole list, 
and by the time it was over and done with and finally just kind a died on its 
own, There were probably if I had to not exagerate things, at least! a bare 
minimum of over 150 messages in the thread if not more, not to mention things 
veered horrifficly! from Voiceover or for that mind, Apple in a whole.  Plus, 
people started wagging fingers around, arguing about yes it's ok to do, no it's 
not ok to do, then talking about the industry and how copyright worked etc.  
Basically, long story short, it got wayyyyyy! out of hand.  So, I wrote, asking 
for a mod to right me off list.  I just felt a need to voice my concern.  
Obviously, I didn't want to do it on the list, as that would have not been 
appropriate.  The only reason I'm doing it now, is because lookat! it's not 
like the mods are gonna say anything anyway, most likely.  This probably is 
gonna get me placed on mod status if not banned for typing this up should the 
mods react at all, but at this point, much as I wanna help all of you, I'm sick 
of the bullshit!  What's a good list, content or not, if no one is willing to 
manage.  And that's the problem.  Plenty of us I'm sure! including by far! 
myself would be willing to take over the list moderation job, but it's never 
considered nor acted upon.  Look: let's just say the truth.  John and others: 
you can argue with me all the do da day, but there is! something you cannot! 
argue, even if you so want to.  And that is, not just myself, but many of us 
have tried writing the mods about people joining and haven't heard back.  
People are just now getting approved who've asked to join, some, over several 
years ago.  Also, if there is a list polacy concern, it never is addressed.  
People have threatenned to leave the list, including myself, and others have 
stated they don't like the state of the list management, nor do I.  So, John, 
not to single you out, but, before people like you and others say, have you 
ever thought, yoddie yodda?  Take that! into consideration.  This is not!  just 
me!  This is a butt load of us.  What's it gonna take for the owner/mods to 
wake? up, for God sake!

I'm sorry for boldly voicing my opinion, but you want the truth?  I don't 
normally step outta my shell and say how I feel, as I have learned the hard way 
that doing so makes me many many enemies, but, this time has gone too far.  I 
don't like waking up at 7 in the morning only to open my inbox and find that so 
many are having these issues.  That's a real! pleasant way to start your 
Sunday!  Not?

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Pamela J Francis 
  Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 3:54 AM
  Subject: Re: inviting somebody to join the list

  Hi folks,
  Has anyone contacted the owner of the group to figure out what the criteria 
is for joining? I tried twice before I was accepted. There was no invitation. I 
heard about the group from some local mac users. It has been very informative. 
I don't post often, however I do gain a lot of useful information from all of 
you. Thank you much. It would be a real shame to close the list to invitation 
only. The only way we can continue to learn & grow is to allow fresh ideas & 
experiences to help all of us. Thanks again.

  On Jan 12, 2013, at 11:21 PM, Danny Noonan <> wrote:

    I'm not sure if it was my request from 9 or 10 months ago or my request 
from 1 or 2 months ago that got me in. Perhaps I'll get accepted a second time 
in another 6 months. :-)

    Anyway, very glad to get the invite.


    On 13/01/2013, at 2:44 PM, Ray Foret Jr <> wrote:

      I have the very same issue.  A friend wanats to join, but, haven't heard 
back from the mod.  To put it bluntly, how can we expect any new members with 
this kind of crazy scheme?  Do we want new members or not?  IF so, what's the 
fastest way to get them on board?  

      The Constantly Barefooted Ray
      Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

      On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:01 PM, Lisette Wesseling 
<> wrote:

        Hi folks
        I have a friend who wants to join this list. She tried subscribing 
herself but got an error message saying it was by invite only. I'm sure I just 
joined without somebody inviting me.
        When I tried to go to the website - the link at the bottom of this 
email - I got a 404 error.
        What's going on, and how can my friend join up? Thanks.


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  Pamela J Francis

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