
Ah, thanks for the info, and this makes sense.  It didn't look as though 
aNavigon was that accessible, so it makes sense to have Ariadne as the primary 
app working off of Navigon.

Thanks again,


On Aug 30, 2012, at 12:31 AM, Anne Robertson <> wrote:

> Hello Harry,
> I don't think either app has a trial version. However, they work well 
> together. Navigon is designed to run in the background, so you can have 
> Ariadne as the current app and it will tell you where you are at regular 
> intervals. Obviously, they're both only as accurate as the iPhone's GPS 
> receiver will allow.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 30 Aug 2012, at 01:46, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I saw Navagon and Ariadne in the App Store, and am thinking about 
>> downloading them; are there trials of either app, since Navaon is like 
>> $60.00?  And should I use both of them because Ariadne gives you turn by 
>> turn directions and is more accessible?   I saw where it specifically ahs 
>> VoiceOver support.
>> Thanks, all.  I would use it to tell me how to get from a light rail stop to 
>> a specific address.  Could it work for something like that?
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