Not sure I would worry about it. Compared to modern computer disk space it's probably not worth your time to weed out mail all that much. For example, your email was about 8k of text. That means if I get 50 simmilar messages in a day we have 400K. At that rate, a full year would take about 150MB. Most folks nowdays have hard drives sized somewhere north of 100GB, so you could store 7 years of email with 1% of your disk space or less. Even if you take more space than that, if would have to be significant before having much impact on your disk space. Even if you do have a smallish hard drive, a 250GB 2.5" laptop drive is running around $65, so what is your time worth?


On 5/4/12 1:35 PM, Traci wrote:
How do you guys deal with mail msg storage?

I understand the benefit of storing my msgs on my mac with spotlight and all, but is there a way to keep an eye on how much space they are taking up?

I'm tempted to just not store any of them. After all, this is what I'm use to. The messages I'm interested in keeping are still on Google, correct?

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