On Sun, Feb 05, 2012 at 01:33:23PM +0000, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> the mac mini is a really nice system to go for but there are a few slight 
> disadvantages here as a few users have noticed.  one issue is that the mac 
> mini when using voiceover needs access to a monitor. this is a hardware and 
> software issue but the cheat from what I notice is getting the apple DVI or 
> VGA adaptor and connecting it, that way it finds a monitor port as a 
> reference.

I am happy to report that after complaining/reporting to Apple tech
support this issue, their engineers confirmed this observation and
indicated to the rep that they would try to fix this issue with a
subsequent update to Lion.  I learned this on the same day that 10.7.3
came out so I suspect it might be some time before we see the actual
fix.  I hope they deem it important enough to take seriously and
actually put in place.

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