YAY! I love it when people agree with me! *bounce*  There are loads of widgets 
out there--one I like a lot but for which I forget the back trail is one that 
counts the words in your TextEdit document, or a selection cut/pasted into it.  
Since I haven't found any way to do this from within TextEdit (at least under 
Snow Leopard), as a writer, this was a handy widget.  The unit converter, 
included, is also pretty nifty, if you want to make yourself sound lighter by 
converting to KG from pounds, or something.  I use the Weather widget all the 
time, and the list just spirals out of control from there, and I'll end up 
using bullets again...

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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