Yeah, sounds like an issue on your end only really. I've upgraded and
see no problem with battery at all. If anything, I seem to be getting
more battery than I did in SL.

On 7/23/11, Missy Hoppe <> wrote:
> Hi! I'm not 100 percent sure how to check tasks on the mac, but all that I
> had open was finder and yourufukurou. I've
> repaired permissions, so will try running off battery again tomorrow and see
> if that makes any kind of difference. I have
> screen curtain on and screen brightness set to 0. Keyboard brightness is
> also set to 0, and most of the time, the system is,
> or at least should be completely idle. Like I said, under identical
> conditions with Snow Leopard, I was getting a little over
> 8 hours of battery life, but today, I may have gotten four if I was being
> reallyl generous. I sent a system report to Apple
> tech support, and no issues were detected. They were supposed to send me an
> article for other tips to try, but I have yet to
> find such an article in my email, so am not sure what to do. I guess a trip
> to the apple store might be in my future at some
> point.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brandon Olivares
> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 6:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: battery life under lion
> Did you check the tasks running? Short battery life and it being warm might
> be a task that is doing a lot or is very active.
> On Jul 22, 2011, at 3:28 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> That's what I have too: a 2011 13 inch macbook pro. I'm not sure if the
>> battery life being cut in half is related or not,
> but
>> I've also noticed my macbook running a lot warmer than it ever did under
>> sl. I'm wondering if it's time to call apple
> and/or
>> take my macbook into a store. Obviously, there's some weird stuff going
>> on. If nothing else, maybe they can help me revert
> to
>> sl. The running hot thing is really starting to make me nervous, so I've
>> turned off the mac for the time being.
>> Missy
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Zachary Kline
>> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 3:17 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: battery life under lion
>> Hi Missy,
>> I'm afraid that I can't confirm this issue either.  I have a macbook pro,
>> so perhaps that has a longer battery life.  I've
>> ran this on battery several times since upgrading and had no issues to
>> speak of.
>> Best,
>> Zack.
>> On Jul 22, 2011, at 11:05 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>> Hello, all! I've just found a major, major problem with lion, and am
>>> wondering if anyone else has experienced it yet. This
>> one is almost serious enough to make me want to run back to snow leopard,
>> but I'm not entirely sure how to do that, but my
>> questions and concerns regarding downgrading aren't what I wanted to post
>> about here.
>>> I have a 2011 macbook pro mc724LLA. Before lion, I was getting around 8
>>> hours of battery life with screen brightness at 0
>> and just leaving the mac idle to check twitter and things. I'd use it from
>> time to time for other tasks, and even then
> would
>> get around 8 hours of productivity on a fully charged battery. Well, I
>> decided this morning that I would let it run on
>> battery for a little while; I typically just leave my macbook plugged into
>> an outlet since it primarily lives on a desk in
> my
>> dining room. Still, I try to drain the battery at least once every week or
>> two so that it will be in good shape if I ever
> do
>> need to travel.
>>> Anyway, I disconnected the AC adapter as I usually do, and then checked
>>> the status menu. It told me I was going to get
>> nearly 10 hours off the battery charge. I was pretty excited; figuring
>> that I could leave it running happily all day on
>> battery. Well, no such luck. About 4-5 hours later, I went to see if I had
>> missed any direct messages or anything on
> twitter,
>> and the macbook was completely dead. Nothing I pressed would respond at
>> all. I plugged in the ac adapter, and everything
> came
>> back to life, and now it's 1 hour 24 minutes til the battery is fully
>> charged.
>>> So, I guess my question is this: has anyone else noticed seriously
>>> reduced battery life on their macbooks? I had one
> friend
>> on twitter confirm that he's experiencing the same problem, so am almost
>> definite that this isn't just me. If I find one
> more
>> flaw in lion, I am going to figure out how to downgrade to snow leopard,
>> that's for sure!
>>> Well, I guess that's it for now. I hope that everyone is having a really
>>> wonderful day, and I'm really enjoying all the
>> talk about taming the lion.
>>> --
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