I really wish I was working for the SEC at that time. I'd probably be the only 
one in that office actually earning his paycheck.


On Jan 12, 2011, at 9:26 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Andy, you're the best!
> :) well said
> Nobody and I mean Nobody will ever or has never been fired by anything said 
> on this list.  Absolutely nothing has violated any level of acceptable use 
> policy by any agency.  I'm very familiar with these rules having done network 
> jobs for the government.
> Remember that SEC officials were watching porn for 8+ hours per day while Mr. 
> Maddof was amassing billions with out placing a single valid trade.  The 
> point is that much much worse stuff happens at much higher levels and doesn't 
> get caught.  Even more basic than that though is nothing said violates any 
> policy.  Any of the words used would either be rejected at the edges 
> protecting the mailbox or with in acceptable parameters.  I've never seen a 
> Government or Company filter set to block on content that non-offensive.
> On Jan 12, 2011, at 6:25 PM, Andy Baracco wrote:
>> Oh! God!  Please give me strength.  Are people really saying that the blind
>> are the only segment of society that uses raw language?  my grandfather was
>> a construction worker, and not blind, and often used language that would
>> make one blush.  This reminds me of gatherings of adult blind people where
>> alcohol was not served for fear of the poor blind people getting drunk, and
>> doing, God knows what.
>> Andy
>> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Maurice Mines
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 10:44 AM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: bad language was Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
>> You areIn a hello,I don't normally comment on things on this list. However I
>> am compelled to comment on this. Let's face it folks the other 75%
>> unemployment rate in the United States. Bad language scares potential
>> employers period so that is not mistaken that there is no possibility of
>> misinterpretation as the list moderator has said we don't know who's reading
>> this. Let me also tell you that lists like this are archived in many
>> different places. When you go to look for employment employers look at this
>> list if there's bad language you can cost people jobs and that only 30% of
>> blind Americans working in this country I implore you to please do not use
>> inappropriate and nonprofessional language. Because it will cost somebody a
>> job and I don't think that the participants and listless want to be having
>> somebody on SSI SSP I and other government support programs for the rest of
>> their lives simply because somebody doesn't know how to treat people with
>> common respect and refrain from inappropriate language. In short I agree
>> with the moderator, let's knock it off. To say that this thread disturbs me
>> in many different ways, would be an understatement. Let's move on. I'm not a
>> moderator, but if we're interested in all getting out there, and getting
>> meaningful positions of employment for those of us were not working, using
>> the target language is imperative. Thank you very much for reading this. PS,
>> I am using dictation software. As my tagline says some words they actually
>> come out and appropriately. However I think that you can get the inference
>> of what I am saying. I will not comment any further on this subject.
>> On Jan 12, 2011, at 11:33 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> What's reasonable, who's definition of language?
>>> Why does your definition superseed mine?  Why do prudes always want
>> reasonable when their beliefs aren't and use some sort of artificial moral
>> high ground to brow beat others in to submission?
>>> What if I objected to the word piano because I had a bad Piano experience
>> as a child and expected you to be reasonable and not use the word piano?  If
>> this is acceptable then where does that logic end?
>>> At no time did anyone post anything that violated the FCC rules for over
>> the air transmition.  Even though I think the FCC is a bunch of stufed suits
>> that seems like a fairly reasonable template and anyone who objects to
>> content that fits with in that template is an old fuddy duddy of the highest
>> order.
>>> Heh
>>> Here's a brilliant idea with a lot of historical backing.  Instead of
>> silencing someone which is a very common practice in the blind community
>> lists especially why not use that delete key that's located in the upper
>> right of your keyboard?  Nobody loses in that situation.  You don't get your
>> pretty little sensibilities hurt and nobody loses their right to express
>> themselves.  Live and let live, turn the other cheek, all that mumbo jumbo.
>>> Good times!
>>> On Jan 12, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>>> I hope the moderators will follow through and move to read-only status
>> those persons who continue to disregard the very reasonable requests
>> regarding language.  
>>>> Marlaina, a very happy A T & T customer who has never been treated with
>> anything but respect and professionalism by A T & T.
>>>> --
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>> maurice amateur radio call sign,kd0iko.
>> national Federation of the blind of Cole Rondo assisted newsline
>> coordinator, office phone 970.
>> 373-3076 Northern Colorado amateur radio club tried Vander, newsletter
>> editor. University of Northern Colorado student e-mail address ,
>> mine1...@bears.unco.edu.
>> note this message has been dictate by using MacSpeech dictate,  Some words
>> may be spelled incorrectl, may also be in the wrong context.
>> Please forgive any errors in the text of this communication.
>> Thank you very much forreading this.
>> -- 
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