You gotta be kidding me.
4$100 on training that my closest and probably every othe r mac store in nz
couldn't give me as they don't know or give a rats rear end, in or for
accessibility / adaptive technology features of mac osx.
 I know more of voiceover than the two closest mac dealer stores in my city.
They ask me questions, and compared to most on this list, I know nothing!

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Sarai Bucciarelli
Sent: Tuesday, 12 October 2010 10:37 a.m.
Subject: Re: please don't turn this in to a debate, just need information

When you buy a Mac, you can purchase training at your local apple store for
$100 for a year's worth of training. This has been very helpful..
On Oct 11, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> When I bought my Macbook pro, I did get some help from ontario's adp
program. I didn't however get the "maximum contribution" as things like the
screen reader weren't necessary. I don't do a lot of ocr, but I did like
k1000 for windows. I think you could make a case for the macs based on ease
of upgrade in certain environments. I do a bit of networking a tiny bit of
sound work, and a lot of correspondence, as well as basic word processing.
If you are to make a case for the inclusion, I think that tayloring it to
people who are willing to learn new and different things, and who are
working with multi-media and the net. 
> Yep, you will have to stress that this is different and that the mac
products do address similar issues in a different way, and no, windows is
still great for some people but choice is also great.
> Personally I don't think we will see an end to adaptive products, as there
are a valued group of buyers who would not be ready to have the capacity to
or be willing to learn new stuff. However, they still require service.
> On 2010-10-11, at 10:19 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Hello Heather,
>> It's just like years ago I asked the state for Window Eyes. I was told,
"We only have Jaws". So it was Jaws or nothing!
>> So I got in the habit of buying my own equipment. But some states are
giving Macs nowadays. I know one list member who received a Macbook pro and
is extremely happy with it. So I guess sometimes it's where you're at the
time. this person is seeking a job. So the Mac was to help in that endeavor.
>> I have a mac mini which I bought. Now I am trying to help a friend find a
Mac. The states will do as they please. I've come to accept that.
>> Isaac
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: heather kd5cbl
>> To:
>> Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 9:41 AM
>> Subject: please don't turn this in to a debate, just need information
>> I am a very knew Mac user and feel that our state rehab departments are
favoring the windows based machines over the mac machines.  Yes, our states
have all the money to give there blind consumers all this adaptive
technology while in school.  However, after school, blind individuals
struggle to keep their equipment up to date.  I am trying to write a letter
about the mac for blind consumers instead of jaws on a windows pc.  I wanted
to make the case that the states should not be so geared to window based
machines for there blind consumers.  I just don't no enough about OCR
solutions for the Mac like we have Kurzweil1000 for windows.  Also I am not
sure about the braille translation programs for the macs as we have mega
dots or Duxbury for the windows computers.  Also, we use victor streams,
eclipse reders and for our textbooks so if there is a Mac equivalent, I
wanted to know about it.  I am trying to convince our rehab department that
they need to show both options to their consumers.  I plan on submitting my
letter at the end of the week to are rehab department.  Thank you, Heather
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