Hi Max and Geoff,

Max's note about his searching method reminds me: uou can also use the search field in Mail to filter the messages that are displayed. For example, if I only want to view the messages from Geoff in my Inbox, I can use Command-Option-F to move to the search text box for mail, and type in "Geoff". Then if I tab back to the messages table and interact, I'll only be viewing messages from (in this case) "Geoff Waaler" and "Geoff Stevens" (guess I should have made my search more exclusive <smile>). So I could do what Max says he does, and move to the last post from Geoff. In this mode I'm only seeing posts from Geoff, though. I can still press the Option key along with holding down either the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key to move to the first or last post from Geoff in my Inbox, but I can't view posts from anyone else. I'd have to move back to the search box (Command-Option-F) and delete the previous search terms, then tab back to the messages table, and interact. My focus will still be at the last (or first) message from Geoff, so I can arrow up or down from there.

However, Max should just be able to hold down the Option key and either Down Arrow or Up Arrow to move through to the bottom or top of his Inbox. I did want to point out that you can use the search feature, too, to filter your Mailbox displayed contents. You can actually refine these searches to modify whether the search runs on your current mailbox (the default), or all mailboxes, and whether it searches the entire message, the "from" field, "to" field, or "subject" field, etc., but you would have to tab and then VO-Right arrow from the search box. Detailed searches should probably be left to a later date for exploration. For now, you can use Command-Option- F and type in part or all of a sender's name, then tab back to the messages table. However, it is important to clear the search box afterwards if you want to display all your messages.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 16, 2010, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

hello; how is your email displayed? I'm asking because I can't get the go to top or go to end working either. I like to keep my active emails in my inbox, so sometimes i have over a hundred messages in there. so, what i do sometimes is when in the list press a letter like a for the top or w for the bottom. this isn't perfect, but often it will get me close enough to where i want to be to save a lot of time. another thing i like to do before checking mail is to note the name of the sender for the last message in the list so i can enter those characters to get back there. Of course, sometimes i have more than one email from the same contact and have to do it several times. Hope this helps until you can work out the preferred way to do it. thanks and take care, max
Aug 16, 2010, at 11:13 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

Thanks to Anne, Kevin and Carolyn who sent me a private note, but I remain stuck in the middle of my in-box with no quick way out.

From the finder I point to mail.app and press command+o -- among other things vo says that I'm in my in-box and row 582 of 3,832 has keyboard focus. The up and down arrow keys appear to traverse my folders so I tab into the in-box. VO reads the header of an old message and again announces my position in the table. I then press VO+end and move up four messages to 586/3832. If I attempt to interact, VO says "interact with text" and VO+end has no discernible affect on the focus. I tried all this before posting, but should have said so The one thing I had not tried was kevin's suggestion. When I press VO+shift+J followed by VO+downArrow it moves me up four more to 590, which is still a long long way from the bottom.

Besides cleaning up the clutter in my in-box and defining a few filters, any/all suggestions would be appreciated since I am stuck on what seems like it should be a simple problem.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Shaw" <tvsound...@rogers.com >
To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: Navigating to the top or bottom of a table.

Use the VO jump command to jump to the bottom or top of your message view.

Press VO-Shift-J to start the jump. Then, press VO-down arrow.


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